Good morning from the Ozarks.....It is wonderful temp this - TopicsExpress


Good morning from the Ozarks.....It is wonderful temp this morning,and sun is trying to peek out. Yesterday I was gone from home most of day,went to church for the breakfast and helped clean up afterwards,enjoyed visiting with others,got home and power was out so I headed on over to the camprounds where Collins Family were having their reunion ,and had invited me to come over and visit as I live fairly close to where they was.It was great to see Family,some of them I had not saw for years...Even though their brother,Gerald and I have been divorced several years,they all still remain dear to my heart...when you divorce a partner that doesnt always mean we forget and not care about all of the Family unless you were not friends anyway....People still stay with us in our hearts,I was there in the hospital room when their Dad,Charlie passed away,was down here at lake when their brother,Alva Ray died.....visited most of them in hospitals when they had surgery or sick....weddings,watched little ones grow other words when you have been involved in each others lives and saw each other thru things..I still care about these people.Gerald and I still talk on phone and I visit when in KC.Call me crazy,but I treasure all these people and always will.....They have been a part of my life,and God puts people in our lives for a please remember that.....Jeanette (Wilmas daughter)was so entertaining,(she donned a brown wig with a big red bow) to MC and then later she dressed up like Sleeping Beauty and had 7 little dwarfs....the theme this year was Disney Characters...Sandy dressed up like Woody from movie Toy Store,and Mary Lou dressed up like Mickey Mouse..They had as much fun doing this as we did watching them...they had brought cakes for a cakewalk and sell tickets to walk to get cake,and have a raffle for some goodies of other stuff...Charles son,Stacy had smoked and prepared the meats...Everyone brought dishes so we shared dinner...I enjoyed seeing all the little ones,got to see little Tucker that Ive heard about thru his Grandmother,Sherrie.....He is a cutie,and won some cupcakes and blanket..He was really excited abot his cupcakes..I got to meet Kathys beautiful Family... Charles had alot of family there,he has lots of cute little ones,saw Kim and her son,Nick,and Stacy and his family... Loras family was there she is blessed with sweet grandchildren and great grandchildren,I was telling Debbie,the first time I meet her she was due anytime with her first child,she said well that would have been 25 years ago,their family is grown and Chuck and Jody had swet grandchildren,Bently and Thadacious (probably not spelled right but loved the movie (To Kill A Mocking Bird)...Gary Clinton fixed his wonderful fried potatoes and onions..It was good to see garyand his family,Chrissy, Sherry and Tucker...I was happy got to se Chris (Jeanettes son) and his family,I love the way he and his Mom seem to have a good time just being together....and isnt that what Family means...Gods children all getting together to celebrate the joys ,blessings and sorrows in our lives,and still caring about each other...and honoring their Mom and Dad by remembering their love and the things they taught them,and realizing even though they might not still be there in person....LOVE LIVES ON...
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 14:33:45 +0000

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