Good morning on this fine Sabbath day my friends. July the 28th - TopicsExpress


Good morning on this fine Sabbath day my friends. July the 28th already…can you believe it? The sands of time seem to be really flying through my hourglass on an extremely rapid pace this year. Today is our oldest son’s, Greg’s birthday. Our family has a whole passel of Birthdays huddled pretty close together during July, August, and September. Vickie’s is August 10, then Greg’s wife, Mary Beth’s, then Lisa’s is on August 27, and then our daughter Susan and granddaughter Cassie’s is on September 13. Another granddaughter, Kristian’s was July 12 and mine was last Sunday on July the 21st. See what I mean? We were eating lunch yesterday, as is our Saturday ritual and working our crossword puzzle at the What-a-Burger, when yet another storm came rolling through. It seemed that God was trying to get our attention with this one. Everybody was chatting and having a good time while Vickie and I were deep in thought trying to think of the right word to place in the puzzle when a big bolt of lightning and clap of thunder arrived at the same time. That ought to tell you something about how close it was right there. It shook the entire place and our nerves, too. The power went off for a second, just to add to the drama. People were pointing out the window and said that they saw the transformer blow out right in front of where people were stuffing their faces with burgers and fries. I’m glad I had already finished eating, that scared the whazoo out of me and almost some other stuff. That event might have even made some new praying folks out of some people who had never prayed before. Just watching the 5:00 news on WBTV this morning made me grateful that we didn’t have the tremendous amount of rain they had in western Lincoln and Catawba Counties yesterday. It was reported that they had between six and nine inches of rain during those storms. I thought I had a glimpse of Howard’s Creek Mill and the raging water rushing over what used to be the dam there. Howard’s Creek Mill was the subject of my very first limited-edition print…now you folks can see why I do what I do for a living…I’m trying to capture as many of our landmarks through my painting and photography as I can, before they are gone forever. I had to make a run to Food Lion to get some propane for my grill yesterday evening and couldn’t believe the amount of people who were buying lottery tickets while I was paying for my gas. I thought of this good old boy who came running into his house hollering, “I just won the lottery, you’d better start packing.” Well, his wife yelled back excitedly, “Should I pack for the mountains or the beach?” He said, “I doesn’t matter to me, just be out of the house by tomorrow.” The sad part about that joke is the possibility that it might be true. Anybody that would do that ought to have their water cut off and their meter taken out. Well, it’s time to go, but I hope you all have a good dry day filled with happiness. We will be celebrating Greg’s and Mary Beth’s birthday today…more cake and ice cream…it ain’t any wonder I can’t lose any weight. God Bless!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 09:32:12 +0000

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