Good morning one and all. Hope all of you Canucks have had or are - TopicsExpress


Good morning one and all. Hope all of you Canucks have had or are planning to have a rich and oh so filling turkey dinner. I just love moms dressing and of course the mashed potatoes swimming in gravy. We had our Capon last night and of course we both ate to much. The Lemon Meringue pie had to wait till around 9 p.m. Been a busy, work inside weekend for me. Major housecleaning, felt good to get it all done. Even did some housecleaning in Lokis run yesterday, fresh straw and clean fluffy fleece for Our Boy. Had trouble getting him out of his bed however, but he finally moved when he saw what I wanted to do for him. Our walk, either Friday or Saturday evening, I cant remember, a dead squirrel was found on the side of the road. Poor little thing. Like a vehicle hit it. China investigated first and then Loki took his turn, and oh my gosh, he picked it up, I guess his wild memories took over. But so true to his nature, all I had to say was NO and he dropped it and then looked at me. He got a cookie for being a good boy and some heavy duty head rubs. Guess he forgot he does not have to hunt for his food anymore. When we got home we sat out on my deck for about a good half hour, it was a beautiful mild evening, clear skies and lots of stars. Little diamonds sparkling in the deep blue sky. Loki took about 10 minutes before he felt comfortable sitting on the deck with me, but then he relaxed, his tongue out and smiling that smile of his. It was so surreal sitting there with him. Something I once only dreamed of. We reminisced, rather I did, and recounted to him all of those evenings he would come here late and I would go out to him. How we would sit in the driveway together,,,,,me placing chunks of Rollover closer and closer to my person, coaxing him to come closer to me. I reminded him about the evening all he wanted to eat were the Marrow Bone cookies, rather than a hearty meal; I asked him if he remembered taking the first treat out of my hand while I was sitting in a snow bank, and did he remember how much I cried that night when he did...(tears froze to my eyelashes and cheeks). I reminded him of how he would sneak up behind me while we were across the ravine together and I would be sitting in the snow, how he would grab my hat off my head and run like the wind with it, flipping it high into the air and then pouncing on it when it would land on the ground. He would pick it back up and race towards me, dropping it a few feet away from me and then wait for me to pick it up and throw it for him. Good thing I make all my own winter hats..many disappeared that way. Gloves too, when I would take them off to handle my camera. I wonder, if like me, he misses those days. He, we, have come such a long way together. Now he comes in after our long evening walks, and I have a twelve legged enterauge following me to the fridge....he of course gets his bowl of milk as soon as we get home. He sits ever so patiently flanked by Hemi and Philly, while I dig out his green bowl and pour that cold refreshing milk. He lets both boys have a little first, then he himself enjoys the majority of it. The rest of the evening is spent getting rubs, and hugs and kisses. Life is good. The dreary sky of this early morning is beginning to lighten, pale blue with streams of white fluffy clouds. The air outside is crisp, cool and refreshing, the ground moist and the grass sparkles with droplets. All the trees are bare now making the antics of the resident squirrels quite visible. The migratory birds of summer are gone, and the pretty Snow Birds are back. They fly together in waves, looking like floating white silken sheets, very low to the ground. Very beautiful to see. Wild cranberries and rose hips are ready for the picking since the first frost. What an amazing land this is. Everyday is a day to give Thanks, not just one designated day of the year.
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:33:36 +0000

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