Good morning one and all! I trust you are all having a more - TopicsExpress


Good morning one and all! I trust you are all having a more peaceful morning than myself. When I woke up this morning I let Bubba the sophisticated cat out for his morning jaunt. When I let him back in an hour later he was filthy! I have no idea what he had gotten into but he was covered in leaves, mud, and what appeared to be motor oil. He looked at me, smiled and said What? He than saw the look in my eyes and realized a bath was in his immediate future. What followed next was a frenzied chase through the house. I finally got him cornered in an upstairs bedroom where we had a standoff. As we looked at each other you could almost hear Clint Eastwood spaghetti western music in the background as we sized each other up. Then the smack talk began: Bubba You better think twice before you tackle me brother! I will make your neck crack, your liver quiver, and your knees freeze! Me: Yeah , well, I am five foot eight of twisted steal and fighting zeal, and if you dont like me, then bite me! Which he than of course did. This set off a battle for supremacy of the house, and who would ultimately rule the house. It was indeed a clash of titans! It was the Ultimate Warrior against Hulk Hogan, King Arthur, versus Lancelot, Saint George and the Dragon! When the contest was over I took a moment and surveyed the damage. There was broken furniture, a hole in one wall (where he had used my head as a battering ram.) and assorted debris. Every move in the book was used, from him running and spearing me in the stomach, to me dropping a flying elbow on him. No quarter was asked for or given. We went at tooth and nail, and assorted foreign objects. In the end I emerged victorious! He than grudgingly took his bath and said: I salute you sir! You fought well, and bested me! I am now drinking a much deserved victory cup of coffee while holding a piece of raw meat on my left eye to keep the swelling down. My opponent is sulking in his cat carrier waiting to fully dry. I know I shouldnt feel smug about besting a cat, but these days, I take my victories where I can find them. Where was my loyal son during all this, you may ask. HE SLEPT THROUGH THE ENTIRE THING! I hope you have enjoyed this tale my friends, and that you all have a most peaceful day. I am now going to go change my bandages.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 15:51:05 +0000

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