Good morning prayer warriors ! We hope all of you are having a - TopicsExpress


Good morning prayer warriors ! We hope all of you are having a blessed day. Today Jackson has an appointment with his immunologist. We should get his blood test results back and see how his immune system is functioning heading into fall and winter. Today, is also Jacks big brother Garretts birthday ! We are so excited to celebrate Garrett both today and this weekend. He got some presents from us this morning, and then we are taking him for his birthday dinner on Saturday. He also has a family birthday party to look forward to and a birthday biscuit at Bojangles with his dad ! We are blessed to be Garretts parents. Jack is not the only one of our sons who struggle every day. Garrett has severe autism and this is something that consumes a great deal of his energy. In the past, I have taken some serious flak from prayer warriors on this page, the one time I asked you to pray for Garrett...but as his mother, the one who battles at his side day in and day out and who sees what you do not see...I will ask again anyway...If it is on your heart to pray...please join our family in praying that the Lord would heal Garrett of autism...that He would remove every obstacle in the path of Garretts ability to make friends, to feel accepted and valued by his peers and to attain his goal in life to have a wife, children and a job of his own. We ask this in Jesus loving name..Amen. I would also ask, that if you are offended by our prayer or hope that Garrett would be healed, then please just unlike the page. You do not walk in our shoes and do not love our son the way we love him, you do not see how he we would rather you just leave the page, then hurl criticism in our direction for wanting our child healed. Thank you...Kim
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:23:56 +0000

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