Good think about it Thursday, Friday is almost here and the - TopicsExpress


Good think about it Thursday, Friday is almost here and the weekend Is right around the corner. Hope you have a wonderful day and your day brings a smile to your face as well as others. Wonderful series on Psalms 23 we have been hearing on Wednesday nights, hate it is over but looking forward to the next series on Song of Solomon. You can watch the messages on You Tube or Citylinktv if you are interested. Let’s look at what happens when you disobey God’s word. Now satan had sneaked into Eve’s mind by beginning to talk to her and getting her to doubt what God had said. Then he took it one step further by getting her to flat out disobey God by consuming the fruit. When we let satan begin and we allow him to get into our thought process, no good will come from it and he never starts and ends with you. When you converse with satan and he gets you to doubt and disobey God, which by the way is the only reason he comes to you, it not only destroys you, it destroys those around you. Sin is like a wildfire, it will spread wherever it wants and will take down whatever is in its path, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you are or how good you are. Look at Eve, she talked, she listened, she acted and it didn’t only hurt her, it took down Adam as well and every generation from that point forward and still to this day affects us. Because of one person disobeying God, satan destroyed millions. Think about this, God said don’t eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before they consumed that fruit, they had no idea of what was good or bad. They didn’t think about those things, remember they were in Utopia. Then satan got Eve on his side and had her doubting God’s instructions and their eyes were “opened” to good and evil. Even though it opened up their eyes and ours today, we still do more evil in these days than good. So sin does not just harm your life only, it hurts those around you and when it happens, you will be punished, as was Adam and Eve. Our punishment for their sin is death. When we listen to satan we follow what he is orchestrating in his scheme of things. Then we let our sin brush off on those that are closest to us in turn they become part of the sin and before you know it we have allowed satan to come between us and God and then the trouble begins and it will not stop until we turn back to God. God is the one and only answer. Adam and Eve found out the hard way and to this day we are paying for it. What happened to Adam and Eve? “Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.” Take inventory of your life and see how sin in your life has hurt others. It should humble you and make you ashamed or how we turn our back on God when we need to turn to God. God Bless and God loves you for who you are not what you are!!
Posted on: Thu, 19 Sep 2013 13:28:33 +0000

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