Good vibrations are not just for Marky Mark After trying - TopicsExpress


Good vibrations are not just for Marky Mark After trying acupuncture, hypnotherapy, prescription pills, ice cold showers, herbal medicine, prayer, overpriced natural Whole Foods shit, nothing worked. My insomnia was stretching six months. That’s longer than many relationships. But finally, I’m able to sleep. What was the solution? Switching rooms. After reading an article about subtle vibrations at a subconscious frequency released by pipes underground that set off your fight or flight and causing you to panic, I decided to swap the office and bedroom. Bam. Sleep. Our dog who panted all night in the previous room now but now sleeps like a rocked infant. Who would have ever guessed such a thing would keep you up? Vibrations at a subconscious frequency? WTF? Anyway, I think people give off this as well. Not just underground pipes in giant condominium complexes. Have you ever meet someone who seems to be nice and doesn’t bother you on paper but there’s something about them that creates discomfort or a subtle sense of panic? You can’t figure it out and just assume it’s you. Panic stems from activating your fight or flight. It’s your body trying to protect you. It believes you may be in danger. I think I used to be the guy that activated that for many. If you feel this with someone, or have been for a long time, maybe it’s time to do something about it. I’m not saying cut people off or end relationships. Some distance? New boundaries? A phone call? Creating a safe space for yourself is the best gift you can give yourself, and the first step to growth. No one’s going to create that but you. People with bad vibrations will only put cracks in your container, even if they’re just hairline cracks. And like sleep deprivation, it will eat at you, The people you surround yourself with should make you feel refreshed and alive. Not weak and drained. If they do, maybe it’s not you. Maybe you’re just sleeping in the wrong room. - Angry
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 06:10:07 +0000

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