Goodbye, Frances withdrawal from NATO alliance may be the - TopicsExpress


Goodbye, Frances withdrawal from NATO alliance may be the beginning of its collapse ---------------------------------------------------------------- In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda a well-known European politician, the leader of Frances National Front of Marine Le Pen said that if he wins the upcoming presidential elections will bring the country out of NATO. We must admit that at the moment France follows the line of NATO, - quotes edition of Marine Le Pen. - If I am elected, I will bring France out of NATO. Because at the moment France lost their own voice, we fully adjust to and comply with the orders coming from Washington. Sometimes orders come from Berlin. France as it is stretched between the orders from Washington, that of Berlin. Taking into account the fact that today France simply equal to the position of Washington, there are serious concerns as France may behave in a situation with Ukraine. It should be noted that in the context of discontent French limp pro-American policies of President Francois Hollande, at Marine Le Pen has a really good chance to become the new head of France. A c NATO in Paris have always been very simple relationship. Is it possible, in principle, the French demarche? If possible, how will affect this step for the future of NATO? - France has repeatedly behaved very freely about NATO - said Colonel-General, member of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems Leonid Ivashov. - The country emerged from the military structure of the block, to expel the headquarters of the organization from its territory. Anti-NATO sentiments are quite strong, both among the political community, as well as directly in military circles. I have often observed that the French officers on NATO official events are held apart. They often object to draw France into all sorts of adventures NATO. The French do not like Americans. The history of this dislike goes in the era of General de Gaulle, who sought to weaken US influence in France. Here is the spirit of independence from the Americans the French have not forgotten. And the fact that the last two presidents were completely pro-American, displeases significant part of French society. Therefore, Marine Le Pen is really a good chance to become the head of France. In this case, it can use an old recipe of De Gaulles not breaking political ties with NATO, refuse military cooperation with them. SP: - What will lose from this North Atlantic Alliance? - I recently received information that the European Commission recommended to leave the European banks not only from Ukraine, but also from the Baltic. This means that the major Western countries economically cast adrift its allies. And it certainly does not strengthen the position of NATO in Europe, and in particular, in the eastern part of it. In case of withdrawal of France from the alliance, the main burden in the European segment of NATO will be on Germany. And we know that Germany has repeatedly tried to create some European security forces. And if before all these attempts were stopped by the US, now the outcome may be different. In any case, it is very likely that NATO staggered. After all, the alliance today - a tool of the global financial oligarchy. More and more people are realizing that such military monster like NATO to protect against terrorist and other threats is not needed. In the world there is now the forces that would want to occupy all of a sudden some Western countries. This realization will grow both in Europe and in the United States. Many wonder: why do we need NATO? In general, Frances withdrawal from the alliance may become primarily a political impact. SP: - How can affect Ukrainian events in the fortress of NATO? - Americans are accustomed to after World War II to act on foreign soil, and often someone elses hands. They are happy to arrange wars and revolutions away from its borders. Europeans understand that instability in Ukraine is interested in the United States. Thus, the Americans hope to embroil Russia and Ukraine. Yes thus still hamper economic cooperation between Russia and the EU. But since the leadership of most European countries takes explicitly pro-American position, they act on instructions from Washington - often to the detriment of the national interests of their own states. - France about 30 years was not the NATO military organization - said the head of the editorial board of military information ITAR-TASS Viktor Litovkin. - In terms of weakening the military potential of her new move is not much impact on the alliance. We can say that this decision will affect mainly in France. The main plus for the country - Washington will not be able to pull it more in their military adventures. Foreign policy interests of France concentrated mainly in Africa. At the same time France has to follow in the footsteps of the US and NATO, announced the sphere of their interests throughout the world. So the idea of Marine Le Pen is understandable and justified. The only question is whether she will become president. SP: - Can we say that such a loud statement popular European policy - alarm bell for NATO? - Of course, many European countries are dissatisfied with this organization. US to impose NATO, and through him, and the participating countries its policy, forcing her to act in the way. But it is important to consider that not all European countries are ready to increase its military spending. NATO today is pursuing an aggressive policy. First of all, in the sphere of information. The US is trying to convince its European allies that Russia is a threat to them, which, of course, is not true. Such information campaigns are conducted primarily for Europeans to increase their defense spending. You have to understand also that NATO, as a bureaucratic structure, is fighting for its existence. By and large, the alliance is a gathering of European bureaucrats sitting in Brussels. This is about 3.5 thousand. Officials who live well at the expense of firm. SP: - That is to abandon the friendly assistance NATO Europeans fail? - In the near future - no. I think only a serious crisis, which can be retracted alliance will make some countries to leave NATO. But, as we know from history, the organization prefers to deal with weak opponents, avoiding protracted bloody wars. With whom NATO members fought? Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya ... The risk of losing a significant number of its soldiers in such operations was minimal. In this small European countries are able to spend on the army 1-1.5% of its budget. While out of the box they would have to spend more than 2% of the state budget. And the United States, being, in fact, the owner of the NATO spent 5.4% of its GDP on military needs, while paying about 70% of all expenditures of NATO. - While talk about the collapse of NATO prematurely - said State Duma deputy from the Communist Party Vyacheslav Tetёkin. - Even in times of De Gaulles France fully NATO did not come out. I think that Marine Le Pen, if it manages to become president, would be cut off is unlikely to fully cooperate with the alliance. The French have traditionally sought greater independence from US policy than other Western European countries. They always liked to emphasize the feature. Therefore, nothing unusual in a statement Le Pen is not. Leading Western powers withdraw from NATO in no hurry. Another thing is that they are engaged in a kind of silent sabotage. I, as a member of the State Duma delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly has repeatedly convinced that NATO member countries struggling to reduce their defense spending. They refer to the difficult economic situation, while in the case of which rely on US military aid. Very convenient position. As for NATO, small things, the Baltic countries, for example, their meager state budgets very little influence on that. At the same time they are the most ardent supporters of the United States. Particularly with regard to anti-Russian propaganda. Baits will be held for NATO as long as possible. SP: - Now the US is trying to persuade France, like other members of the EU, to the maximum sanctions against Russia. In particular, it is questionable supply Russian French helicopter carriers of the Mistral. Perhaps the fear of losing a lucrative contract will be an additional incentive to exit NATO?,-NATO-Vyihod-Frantsii-iz-alyansa-mozhet-stat-nachalom-ego?utm_campaign=transit&utm_source=main&utm_medium=page_1&
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 21:25:46 +0000

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