Goodbye… There we said it. It was hard, but we said it. We - TopicsExpress


Goodbye… There we said it. It was hard, but we said it. We will miss you, 501 E. Pine. We will miss your big windows and your high ceiling. We will miss flying our Black Flags in the shadows of your sterile condos. Love it or hate it, we’re out of here before midnight on October 31st. Its been an incredible 2 years, right? We reflect fondly on how we grew and learned in this space: The absurdity of the bathroom wall debates. The upstairs loft that became home to Anarres Press. The social geography of our cafe, mapped out to us by an enigmatic author who we refer to only as Hipster Squirrels. Then there was the incident in which we discovered the phone number for a line directly to the medics (no pigs involved!) – (206) 444-4444. The challenges of challenging Empire and colonialism and all the other ‘isms that come with them, internally and externally. Putting a bat behind the counter, after learning that sometimes words just didn’’t work. These are all memories and experiences we’ll take with us, whether we wanted them or not. We’re honored & humbled to keep these memories. In the last year the collective has said goodbye to one member and gained three, for a total of six worker-owners, half of which were born and raised in the metropolis of the Emerald City. The current six have decided to leave 501 E. Pine, located onTrap Hill, Babylon. But rest assured… WE ARE NOT ABANDONING THIS PROJECT NOR OUR COMMUNITIES!!! As a collective, we are individuals that come from many different and diverse communities. We organize horizontally and autonomously. Our affinity resides in our individual interpretation and practice of anarchism. This affinity has allowed us to come this far and we have no plan nor desire to stop nor turn back. We will continue to build a world in which many worlds can exist. We plan on carving out space so that our communities can come with us. We are leaving this location so that we can adjust to what our communities need and provide what we can, with an eye to the long term. We are trying to remain guided by our communities as a project of anarchist infrastructure, a small contribution to the project of building the commons. We can already take the first steps down our new path. Help us tell our story->blackcoffeecoop/black-coffee-story-telling-zine/ Help us write our new story -> https://indiegogo/projects/help-black-coffee-co-op-find-a-new-home/ ---- READ THE FULL GOODBYE LETTER HERE... and please share this status to help it get out the world... blackcoffeecoop/goodbye-capital-hell/
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:50:41 +0000

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