Goodluck Jonathan, Nigerias churchiest president. The Nigerian - TopicsExpress


Goodluck Jonathan, Nigerias churchiest president. The Nigerian President is one of Nigerias major problems & I have my reasons. He is a very divisive ruler. He clearly drives a wedge amongst Nigerians using religion. In a tensed nation where we have suffered a lot from religious madness & still suffering now, it is the greatest disservice of any president to use religion as a tool of division. Jonathan has done that & he keeps doing it. A good Nigerian leader will make everyone have a sense of belonging without tilting too much to the right or left. The whole world knows that Jonathan is a Christian & no one says he should not practice his faith but in a nation that is constitutionally secular, a wise leader knows where to draw the line, afterall, his religion is his private business. What are my reasons? -Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is not the first Nigerian Christian leader but there has been no time in Nigerias history that this great nation has been so bitterly divided on religious lines. Many are simply supporting GEJ because he is a Christian not that he has done anything reasonable; even Jesus will not be proud of a Christian failure. I am just happy that not all Nigerians are falling for his trick. Nnamdi Azikiwe, JTU Aguiyi-Ironsi, Yakubu Gowon, Olusegun Obasanjo & Ernest Shonekan were all heads of state not one of them visited Israel. Jonathan wants us to believe that he is the only good Christian leader & he has gone to Israel (the first Nigerian head of state ever to do so, that is perfectly fine but not at the expense of national harmony) where he openly displays his love & affection for the Israeli PM & which cleric has he not taken to Israel? Is it Pappy Oritsejafor whose jet was caught in a dirty deal or Oyedepo who once handed out a dirty slap to a poor Nigerian lady? The undue noise & publicity he gives his religious trips are totally uncalled for, they are irrelevant. How many world leaders have you seen doing pilgrimage in Israel/Mecca & broadcasting it publicly to their people? And who is funding his religious visits? Is Nigeria not secular? Is it not with the taxes paid by Nigerians of all faiths? Obama is a Baptist Christian but come on. What would Nigerians say if a Muslim leader is always gallivanting in Palestine with Mahmoud Abbas? Or always off to Mecca all the time and sending photos home of him and all the sheikhs of Mecca? Wetin Nigerians go talk? Thats one. -Two, why are his advisers and assistants especially Doyin Okupe, Reno Omokri & Reuben Abati always quoting Bible verses on their social media pages while addressing Nigerians? They always write Bible verses & use them to curse enemies of the President or curry useless sympathies. What nonsense is that? How will Nigerians react if Muslim assistants of a president are always writing Quran verses on their pages? GEJs camp has not come up with any reasonable thing to tackle the opposition but to call them Islamists. How does that make sense? Jonathan sees everything as a religious war, oh, the north does not like me, they are against me bla bla. Chibok is a Christian town, if GEJ so loves Christians that much, why are our girls still missing? What did he say in Paris during the Africa security summit? He said he was going to build stronger walls for Chibok girls school. Just imagine! -Three, why is Jonathan always announcing government policies inside churches? Does he think he was voted into office by Christians alone? Or his only audience are Nigerian Christians? Imagine if Yaradua was always announcing government policies at the National Mosque every Friday after prayers? Wont some Nigerians scream he is Islamizing Nigeria? As a wise leader, you pray without any noise & get out. There is virtually no church in Abuja that Oga Ade has not visited. So what is the use of the Aso Rock Chapel? He actually said that every last Sunday of the month now, he will be worshipping outside Aso Rock. Listen to him, he said: “Traditionally, we have the State House Chapel where I worship every Sunday. If we do not have the chapel, probably I would have been here one or two times before this time. This year, we have decided that from now onward, until I leave the State House, every last Sunday of the month, I will go to different churches. The reasons are very obvious, not because if I worship in the State House, I am not worshiping God. But I feel that it is good for me to go round and continue to appreciate what our brothers and sisters have been doing.” How does that create jobs? If you worship on Olumo Rock or go to Mecca, how does that strengthen the falling naira? The Catholic Church has advised him to stop his gallivanting & face his job but mba. I will elaborate on this: Yesterday, he was at the Dunamis International Gospel Centre, Area 1, Garki, Abuja for New Year celebrations & it was there that he was telling Nigerians that he will be rolling out an anticorruption plan and how he will defeat Boko Haram. For heavens sake, when did you see Obama at the Washington National Cathedral explaining how his government will capture Osama? Is Jonathan the only Christian leader on earth? I am not done. Just last week, he and his wife were at the St. Matthews Anglican Church, Abuja for a special Christmas service. Instead of him to celebrate & go home, no, he took the mic and issued a warning to politicians over 2015 elections. Why always talk politics inside the church, is nothing sacred anymore? What if a Muslim president is talking politics inside the National Mosque every week? In March 2013, there was national outrage. Why? It was once again about Jonathan & his churchy things. The sum of N6 billion was donated for his St. Stephens Anglican Deanery and Youth Development Centre in Otuoke, his hometown. N6 billion naira. Prince Arthur Eze who was cursing Igbos some days ago if they dont support Jonathan donated N1.8 billion that day & Akpabio dropped N230 million on behalf of PDP governors who later said they were not aware before Akpabio donated. And where did all that money come from? State money? Personal pockets? Where did they get it from? The building itself was donated to Jonathan by Gitto Construzioni Generali Nigeria Limited, an Italian construction firm which incidentally was the same company that benefitted from Goodluck when he was Bayelsa governor. You gerrit, right? The next month (April 2013), Jonathan was at the opening of Paul Adefarasins N13.4 billion 9,000- capacity Rock Cathedral of House on the Rock in Lekki, Lagos. He is yet to commission a world- class hospital his government built o or even have town hall meetings with Nigerian villagers & discuss with them. We remember when he was off to the RCCG for help, always running from pillar to post. Tunde Bakare said: “Kneeling before Adeboye was a clear campaign tactic which also diminishes the president & his office. Jonathan has signalled the the commencement of his presidential campaign by going to kneel down before Pastor Adeboye. See, I am not saying that pastors should not pray for the president but Jonathan is a symbol of an institution known as the presidency. He cheapened the institution by prostrating before a man of God because of perceived political advantage he thinks he can get. By going to kneel down in the open before the pastor, the man (Jonathan) did not even recognise the dignity of his office. If it were a private thing, it is okay for you to crawl or kneel but it is a whole nation. That office has been diminished by a man who does not know the worth of it and does not deserve to stay there for one more day” He has gone to so many churches that many Nigerians actually dont know Jonathans denomination. He has been to Living Faith Church of Pastor Abioye. Cathedral Church of the Advent, Life Camp nko? He has been there too. I know some sentimental people will take this as an anti-Christianity thing but intelligent Nigerians all of faiths will get my drift and will be worried by Jonathans churchy trends. When Eze donated almost N2 billion that time to Jonathans home church, Chief Ayo Adebanjo said, “This type of uncaring attitude is now synonymous with these people. It goes a long way to show their brazen display of nonchalance towards how the people feel. How can you explain the fact that a single individual donated nearly N2 billion? It is unimaginable. Before such a person will cough out that much, he must have benefitted about ten times of that from the system either by award of contract, oil blocks or even undue waivers. I just hope they will stop this because it has a way of infuriating the people. I’m a Christian but I believe Christians too should be above board.” Attending churches, mosques or Okija shrine is not tantamount to competence. Chinese leaders dont even go to church but we see their progress. We think we are religious but we are just deceiving ourselves. What has come of his visit to TB Joshuas collapsed church? And you just watch to see how Jonathan will keep displaying his incompetence & utter discombobulation, as elections get closer, he will visit more & more churches & he will continue to be milked by streetwise clerics. I dont have to mention their names. You all know them, they keep deceiving him to feather their own nests. Looting & praying, who are we deceiving? I have said my mind. — with Ayo Ojeniyi
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 00:10:14 +0000

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