Goodmorning friends. Yes! Thank God is Friday as such I will love - TopicsExpress


Goodmorning friends. Yes! Thank God is Friday as such I will love to share with us this morning from yesterday’s (5-09-2013) ODM (Our Daily Manner); Titled: ‘See the Finishing Line’. The text was Hebrew 10:28-39 “If you are not going to maintain a garden, don’t plant one”. “If you are not ready to finish a race, don’t start one”. If you are not ready to finish a house, don’t lay the foundation. If you are not ready to finish a marriage in rain and in sun, don’t propose or accept a marriage proposal. This is the MOST important one: if you are not ready to finish this Christian race by paying the necessary price of purity and obedience to the LORD and carrying your cross, why did you get Born Again? It’s dangerous to be here or there. You’d better serve the LORD well and enjoy HIM or you serve the devil well and endure him. I REPEAT: it’s dangerous to be here or there because on the day of battle, you could be mistaken for an enemy. By sitting on the fence, you are the deadly loser. REFUSE TO QUIT NOW! It is not those who started or those who fasted at the beginning of the year, but it is those who endure and wait for their testimony and finish the race that wins the prize! Heb 10:39 “But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul”. “Problems can stop you temporarily, but only you can stop yourself permanently! Your life has a great future. See it and seize it! Why will you give up now?
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 07:10:43 +0000

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