Goodness, tomorrow is New Years Eve and it only seemed like weeks - TopicsExpress


Goodness, tomorrow is New Years Eve and it only seemed like weeks that we were celebrating saying goodbye to 2013! So much has happened this year and I often look at my life thinking it must be a beautiful dream , one in colour of course! Ive loved meeting everyone on every workshops and have very special memories from teaching in Italy, UK and Australia this year. I cant pick one highlight as there have been far too many. But what hits me most are the messages from artists who have told me quietly that I have changed the way they see painting, changed their lives, helped them get through cancer treatments and over painful bereavements. Ive seen people make new friends for life from being on a course and Ive made amazing new friends too. I may seem very busy but I read every single message even if I dont always have time to reply. And Ive often wished I could share some very touching emails too but they are private between me and the sender. What I wish for everyone in 2015 is that dreams come true no matter what they are. But just one tip, they cant come true if you dont have one to begin with , so dream and make next year the time for your dreams to come alive . Have a wonderful New Years Eve and thank you so much for supporting me, sharing my art journey, encouraging me and yes loving me, Because I do feel very loved by so many magical friends here. God bless , and roll on 2015!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 14:56:28 +0000

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