Google exclusive In The Heavenly God We Trust! - With God there - TopicsExpress


Google exclusive In The Heavenly God We Trust! - With God there is love, there is hope, there is joy and happiness. I lik how you say God is Love Heis Good God Is God thats the best way to say it I love that Im going to go hangout with friends and God doesnt judge no one he Loved but I know when people judged God wow thats the min God showed them......... there Tabernacle slipt LOUIS GEOGHAGAN 1:50 PM all my life been judge people in government saying they dont want to help me they help my cause but they dont help me and I woke up and checked my card last night not there they break my heart they treat me like trash thats like saying to my cause your not worth it either.............. so I lost faith humanity in people in was because of him............ Of Obama no one else did that just Obama I know there not all like Obama but Obama is evil and he acts like he is God but God doesnt do what he done to me and what he done is wrong and his evil Show less LOUIS GEOGHAGAN 2:00 PM they dont care you know many night I stayed in abandon homes I know God wouldnt want that and broke my heart and thats why I was upset to fee god abandoned me and let go of me but he didnt or I wouldnt be alive thats what happen with people over seas you dont feel God around all the time but your life is testimony that God is alive because your alive so instead of being Mad rejoice and in the truth yea bad things happen you lose people you love but there with God said but true and Im sorry f or people lost and I know god is a loving god a caring God and that wasnt God Show less LOUIS GEOGHAGAN 2:02 PM 1 Edit God is love God is Good and God is force know one understand explain all religion have different views and insight but God cant be explained or described by one religion because God is known by different people different ways and thats what makes God Creation The world a beautiful Creation because it cant e explained by one religion because who are we to say how God does or Bless people for because God is Love and God is Good through out all History before those people where created prophets people written down the one truth I know is God and God Created the world and that know is true because God Created the world and the universe.................. and at the end he said it was Good and that came from y heart string no where did I find that it just came from within and the end of that on how I feel I love how yall use that word no prophet or name of others Just God for God is Good all the time.............. last year see just gt shower had flashback I was in New Orleans friend called screaming and crying Obama taking away social security from everyone and I understand that was in 2011 when I was tying to get it and they denyed me and I got job I couldnt take the pressure work Obama family and everything and I had mental breakdown later I helped her I was at my second Job and Obama attacked everyone and my friend called I didnt like Obama then andover the years I learned to forgive him but not forget this year he did exactly the same stuff he never changes he awful President because I lost friend because I dont blame myself for telling people I need help I was in another stae and she need help I talked to her all night and I never told on her till then bcause she had a gun to her self saying they took her social security I was like oh God who TN because they Hate Obama and what Obama is doin Im like so sorry and she says I cant live Im artist and dont get lot money and disabled and I said ok well I dont want to do sweetie she says I know I had this gun to my head before I called and Im going to do it so I stayed up all night begging her I went into work so tired I couldnt take it no more and after that I just left said I had enough I cant do this and Im having a break down and I cant do this and then I asked my mom to come help me and I never told my family the whole story and TN does the same thing new Orleans did when they where a blue state at on time denied me help and had to do what I had to do........................... I was in hospital and they had internet and I got on............ and told everyone the first break down the second one I had to quit for a little they said wow you work hard my mom broke down I let her come into new Orleans but hen with that and all that got on I broke down third time it was like him he does that on person to attack when something is going good my friends or my family and its wrong and appalling but TN shouldnt do that either because I know how it feels last year when I cut my wrist couldnt take it thank god she got it back after she went to the hospital and got help I went to seven hospital because I actuality did it I wantd to die I didnt tell everyone till it was done and I did it so Im tired him saying equal treatment when there is I know I believe Military people should have right to protect our country but thats why dont like leaders or civilians have it influence t people because there people watching and to do something like that is appalling and right now God I cant deal with stress all the time but as I said had to finish this something put on my heart all the bad I see doesnt come from God............... and after all the bad that has happened and someone I just had disability they denied but I saved a woman in there cares life there no equal and I had enough him making stage to look good and its about him when I know the truth.......... God Bless
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:55:58 +0000

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