Gooood morning my lovely hemo homies! I trust everyone had a good - TopicsExpress


Gooood morning my lovely hemo homies! I trust everyone had a good night. I am guessing majority of you are still in bed sound asleep. I dont know how many of your facilities rearrange the schedule to accommodate thanksgiving/Christmas. Those are the only 2 holidays we get off. So, that makes me here on a Sunday. Yay. Lol I dont think I slept too great last night. I was actually in bed by 1130. Maybe thats why I didnt sleep well. Lol I remember waking up at like 230 to pee. Then I dont think I ever fully got back to sleep after that. Was pretty much awake when my alarm went off. Boo. Got a tech Im not particularly fond of. Nothing really wrong with her..just personality clashes. Im sure you guys understand what Im talking about. Van driver picked us up 20 minutes early. Smh. I was ready but I hate Impatient people. They all know if my door is open thar Im awake. If I turn the light on its signaling that I know you are there. I did all that but then mom asked me about something so I was looking under the sink. She starts blowing the horn. Really? It is too early for that nonsense. Lol I hate it. Guess goes for here too. I be doing my stuff and seems (probably not really) like they are just standing there tapping their toes, impatiently waiting!! I believe patience is a very well known virtue. :) ALTHOUGH, when I am relying on someone to get somewhere important and they say be there in 5 minutes I do start getting impatient when it starts going 15...20..25 lol We highly differ on definition of 5 minutes!! An old friend dropped by to visit with us for a few minutes yesterday. Kind of glad he did cause mom needed to start an antibiotic but nobody went to town. He actually had to work but he was nice enough to stop and pick it up on his way back in to town. :) Anyway, Chloe was being rude again. Lol I know last time I mentioned something about any suggestions with my dog, someone posted a comment about being a trainer or something but I forgot about it and now its long gone. So, could thar person please post again? Or send me a message? Tyvm! Gonna go to Walmart after tx with one of the patients. Want to see about getting a few things. :) Been a while since I could actually do something. Rather than have to run in and run out. Lol where is the fun in that? :P Im going to finish my fritter and go to sleep! Everyone have a fab-o day and for those of you dialyzing, safe tx. Those of you headed to church, say a little prayer for me (and all the others getting their tx today). :P Sunday morning #selfie. You know where to find my #sockieselfie. I also took a photo of a man (patient), black guy, almost blind, used to be a preacher, when we come up in here on Sundays. ..boy he be lookin charp. Lol I am cropping off his head though to protect his privacy. But he Is also wearing a black fedora with a red feather on the side. Haha He looks like a smooth ladies man. Even though I know hes married. Hes probably about 70. Hasta la bye-bye!!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 12:23:33 +0000

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