Gosh where do you start? Okay so actual Movies/Franchises that - TopicsExpress


Gosh where do you start? Okay so actual Movies/Franchises that are actual RPGs, Im sure to miss some: Star Wars. Dune. Star Trek. Dungeons and Dragons. Lord of the Rings/Hobbit = One Ring, MERP. King Arthur, First Knight, Camelot, Excaliber (must be more, especially that Roman based one, Last Legion?) = Pendragon. Robin Hood = Probably the most done and done franchise, surely theres a Robin Hood RPG somewhere... Westerns, Lone Ranger, Jonah Hex = Deadlands, right? Dr.Who Invasion Earth = Dr.Who. Matrix = Shadowrun/Cyberpunk 2020? Game of Thrones (not a Movie but...) = Song of Ice & Fire. Vampire/Werewolf, etc. Horror films like Twilight, Van Helsing, Underworld, Blade, Interview with a Vampire = Werewolf, Vampire, etc. (Sick of feeling sorry for vampires!) Indiana Jones = Indiana Jones (West End Games?). Wizard of Oz = Sure Will mentioned some Oz-type game the other day. Superhero Movies; Avengers, Spider/Superman, Batman, Watchmen, X-Men/Wolverine, Fantastic Four, etc. = Any Superhero game. Hellboy = Cthulu, Superhero Cthulu right? Gladiator = D&D 2nd ed Glory of Rome (straws, clutching wanted to mention it!). Dragonslayer = Forgotten Realms, to me. Pirates of the Caribbean = 7th Sea? Krull = ... Um, Awesome story, great soundtrack, should be an RPG. Highlander = Highlander. Kind of difficult to do a game where the main characters have to kill themselves but hey it works with Cthulu. Alien/Predator? Think there are RPGs for this, Warhammer/Space Hulk did Genestealers. Mad Max, Waterworld = Wisdom from the Wastelands! Sinbad, 300, Immortals, Clash/Wrath of the Titans, Jason & the Argonauts... = KOS! Well maybe Sinbad was more Arabian but it is close enough. Alexander? So I suppose its fair to say that there are as many movie genres as games and it isnt hard to translate one into the other. What is an RPG but a one off movie where you all visualise the scenes as they play out? Any GM worth their salt can take an idea from any movie and translate it into another. Superheroes? Well the wizard has web and spider climb, considering how many times Spidey uses his abilities theyre practically spells. Black and White Detective story? Easy to turn into Cthulu. Twists. Some great movies have great twists at the end, like Sixth Sense. I really enjoyed The Village, wont spoil it, but it can be fun to get your characters to roll up a set of stats believing they are playing one game... only to stumble onto the real truth and be given the correct sheets later in the campaign. Like I think Will did with Gamma World. Always wanted to do a Scooby-thulu-Doo campaign, based on Cthulu but 99% of the adventures were just like the cartoon - greedy land owners/businessmen, etc. masquerading as monsters. Every so often a sinister clue would get slipped in to hint at something darker that was also going on that had nothing to do with investigation. Could be cool. Superheroes. One really great thing that happens in the Team-Up version of Superhero movies is the Superhero Meta - where by combining talents something awesome occurs that individuals could not achieve alone. One of the best examples? The Incredibles, actually a great film. At the end super strong Mr. Incredible throws his stretchy wife to catch their baby falling from an exploding spaceship, she turns into a parachute and as they land the daughter creates an energy shield to save them all from the explosion & debris. I cannot think of a better example of RPG teamwork. Another worthy mention: GM Okay, next campaign is standard Fantasy. What sort of characters do you want to play? (Five minutes later...) GM *Sighs* No Mike, you cannot play an Ogre, Eddie you cant be a talking donkey either. Cameron, yes you can be a princess but not cursed to turn into an Ogre at night, thats just stupid... Shrek. I think Shrek is more D&D, or even RPG, than any other film I can think of right now. Do the players try to kill the Dragon, no - they befriend it and use it to kick their enemies butts - thats Roleplaying right? So many great fairy-tale ideas twisted in good and bad ways. Films & their sequels I cannot sneak in but would like to - Slipper & the Rose, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, Secret of Nimh, Time Bandits, Riddick/PitchBlack, Beowolf, Hunger Games, The Mummy, The Crow, Robocop, Stardust, I suppose Harry Potter, Jabberwocky, King Kong, Land that Time Forgot/10,000 BC, John Carter, Knights Tale, Last Unicorn, Aladdin, Mulan, Last Samurai, 2001, I,Robot, BLADE RUNNER, Narnia & Despicable Me (Evil campaign). Sure there are more. Sure there are some I forgot.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:58:20 +0000

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