Got a free numerology reading and this was spot on, - TopicsExpress


Got a free numerology reading and this was spot on, spooky!! What Your “3” Life Path Says About You... The number 3 Life Path usually includes one other person that is with you or is a heavy influence on you for your entire life. You might have a tendency to see your lover and yourself as one soul or one person.... You are creative, expressive and blessed with some type of talent that is guaranteed to put you in the spotlight at least once in your life. You have an upbeat personality and others find you easy to identify with. You also have the potential to become the symbol for an entire culture or generation. Many beloved entertainers, columnists, movie stars and inspirational leaders in the world are number 3s. Your creative and performing talents are also augmented by your astounding ability to understand and empathize with others. You are the number that knows how to give the people what they want. For this reason many of you also end up in sales or advertising as your innate charm enables you to sell ice to an Eskimo. You often rise to the top of any career that you choose but the old cliche its lonely at the top also applies to you. This is because threes are often fated to be loved by many but not by one special other. However most as most 3s are naturally philanthropic and giving of their hearts, many are quite satisfied with the mass attention and social popularity that is often part of their life path. In fact, the highest attainment of your life path is the polishing and perfecting of your talent and sharing it with the world. Unfortunately as you do so you may find yourself leaving a lot of broken hearts along the way. A challenge for many 3s is also not to become too jaded about love. As you are very independent and light on your feet you may have a problem finding a life partner that understands your ambitions or that is willing to share you with so many other people. Even if you dont achieve fame, 3s tend to be at the very center of their community and enjoy a thriving social and love life. In fact having too many romances during one lifetime is very characteristic of a 3. As you always put talent or career first you might also find yourself to be the odd person out in a number of love triangles during your life. Usually this is because a career calling forces a 3 to abandon a partner who cannot keep up with them. Sometimes their fast-paced lifestyle does not offer them the time to cultivate a relationship. For this reason you also might find your relationships to be more unorthodox than others might; finding soul mates who are already attached or that are much older or much younger than you. As you have a very spiritually sophisticated view of life you embrace change without the fear that is experienced by most of the other numbers. Often this causes you hardships financially, as you are the number that is most willing to gamble or take a big risk to launch a new project. You are capable of making large amounts of money, but also capable of spending it all just as fast. As you are not very materially minded you are not necessarily concerned about this but your carefree attitude about money often alarms your family and business associates. Your tendency to live for today and not for tomorrow is a blessing as well as curse for you as you journey along your life path. The drawback of this is that you are easily distracted from your responsibilities. The rare number three that is not successful in life has probably lost his or her focus. The positive aspect of this tendency to live in the here and now is that you rapidly bounce back from any type of misfortune and like a chameleon have an uncanny ability to reinvent yourself throughout your life time.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 21:01:23 +0000

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