Got an email from our case manager at TR today. This is an - TopicsExpress


Got an email from our case manager at TR today. This is an excerpt: “The Phase I clients run a ‘coffee shop’ on Wednesday mornings where they sell coffee, tea, cinnamon rolls, etc. Robin is in charge of making phone calls to everyone around the ranch to let them know the coffee shop is open and what is being served. She has gotten better every week! The first week she told everyone hello and that she loved them, but this week, she did much better with staying on the topic at hand! There is a staff there telling her what to say and helping her answer questions, and she is doing great!” Okay, this got me so tickled. It’s hard to describe what it’s like to talk to Robin on the phone (Anna Thompson & the family will know what I’m talking about). She talks in a high tone of voice, and her most-used phrases are, “Hiiiiiiiii! I LOVE youuuuuuu!” and “I doooon’t KNOOOOOOOWah!” So when I read Ashley’s email I immediately envisioned Robin calling up complete strangers and starting the conversation with, “Hiiiiiiii! I LOVE youuuuuu!” It made me laugh out loud. :) I love her! Looking forward to the day when she can laugh with me, and the past 8 months will be part of her testimony.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 22:59:03 +0000

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