Got this e mail from a girl named Elizabeth . i had to respond to - TopicsExpress


Got this e mail from a girl named Elizabeth . i had to respond to her letter . enjoy Reading . Hello dear Amir I am unpredictable girl. I can be funny and sad, active or cozy and warm, sweet and tender or sometimes frank I am always positive in my thoughts. My family and friends give me great inspiration to work on self-development. I enjoy every moment of my life. My dream man is cheerful and optimistic. I hope to here from you Elizabeth My reply : From Amir Dear Elizabeth; Let me tell you why I am not for you. And you are not for me. I like it that you are frank as much as you are. I love girls who are honest and straight forward. Now, let me be the same way towards you. Firstly, I am really tired of unpredictable girls. I can be that way myself, so I’ve always wanted someone to teach me how to be more predictable and even-keeled. This is very important to me Also, I truly cannot tolerate sadness around me. Depression creeps easily into my bones. I can never be with anyone whose low moods demand that the other person be continuously funny to counteract the blues that suck all the juice out of life. You may think I’m your dream man because you see me as very optimistic, cheerful and upbeat. But this is the best me. And I’m not that way all the time. You see, my dear Elizabeth, if that is your real name, sometimes I get mad at people. Really angry. I also sometimes get let down or disappointed in business. Please understand I am not the kind of guy who will turn the other cheek if someone slaps me. So never expect my moods to be perpetually sunny. I have bad mood and good moods. I can go from feeling good to explosive anger in a heartbeat. You are an active person. This suits me as I absolutely need my own space. Always. So being active is good. Go for a run. Take a vacation alone. I’m OK with all that. Independence is good. Constant togetherness smothers the flame of love. Do you understand? I’m not sure you’d really like my day-to -day routine. You like cozy. I can do cozy. But not in front of the TV with greasy popcorn. Do you know I even hate the sound popcorn makes being chewed inside my mouth. Cozy for me is hard work. Because I feel I should be looking after the other person’s comfort. Rather than enjoying the solitary relaxation I need to recharge. I am almost the youngest in a big family. I couldn’t wait to go to college so I could have my own room and people would leave me in peace. Be warm and sweet as much as you like. I can absorb sweetness like a black hole in space. I can give you in return even more warmth and affections. I will not let mobile phones or any distraction intrude. And I hope you won’t as well. Because that makes me very unwarm and not cozy very quickly. I’m glad your family gave you a lot of inspirations. Mine did as well. So we have that point in common. But do not expect me to endure your positive thinking lectures. I eat, drink and try to live positively. I miss the old negatives sometimes. They are like bad company. Great fun to be with late at night. But the next day you regret it. Finally, I noticed that you misspelled hear from you and you wrote “here “instead. This tells me that your level of education is probably not on the same level as mine. I speak and write several languages. As you can tell English is not my first language. Misspelling anything, anywhere drives me up the wall. Please do not write to me again. Please, find a guy better-suited to you than me. Who can love you because of your dreams and forgive bad spelling. Amir
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 22:51:18 +0000

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