Gotta love Emmanuel... ( and I do.) Emmanuel Hall - TopicsExpress


Gotta love Emmanuel... ( and I do.) Emmanuel Hall wrote: Speaker Boehner was in pure hypocritical form last week when he lost control of himself at a news conference over those refugees of women and children crossing our southern border. When ask by a reporter about his intentions to comply with the Presidents request for funds to deal with the situation, Boehner replied, We will not give the President a blank check and went on to lie, This is all his makings. Well, President Obamas request for 3.7 billion dollars was detailed and he was following a law signed by GW Bush which prohibits denial to people from certain countries access to enter the US; legislation that was approved almost unanimously by voice vote, including with John Boehners support. Mr. Boehner continued his misinformation and ranted, When is he (The President) ever going to take responsibility for something. Well, the President takes responsibility all the time, even for things he has no control over, such as when the insurance industry took the opportunity when the ACA was introduced to dump certain high risk customers, something they do annually, but can no longer do, because of the federal law, we love to call Obamacare. I sill, today do not understand why the President took the blame for the cancellation of policies he did not cancel....but, oh wait, thats what great leaders have always done. So now, speaker Boehner, what responsibility will you take as the 3rd in line for the Presidency to help resolve this emergency that you once voted for, or will you do your usual and follow the dictates of your tea nut masters, and deny, blame the President and obstruct.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 16:12:24 +0000

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