#Goverment #Waste Going #Viral, and we need your help to log it - TopicsExpress


#Goverment #Waste Going #Viral, and we need your help to log it all... do you have a link you can supply, add it to the comment section of this post... From the Posted URL: BankruptingAmerica.org celebrates this Independence Day with a Vine Video Tour of Wasteful Spending. The site dedicated to exposing government overspending takes us on a tour of government posts in Washington D.C. and highlights wasteful spending in each department. $1,188,382 to the NEA for puppetry? $141,450 to study the manure from Chinese pigs? $80 million to round up wild ponies? In light of a trillion dollar deficit these price tags seem like small potatoes, but it amounts to a death by a thousand paper cuts. It sounds funny, but the study of Chinese pig manure does have some value to society. What is at issue is the idea that taxpayers should be funding such a study, especially at a time when so many people are so stretched already. Couldn’t you use a break on the amount of money the government takes from your paycheck each pay period? If we didn’t have to fund tens of thousands of programs like these you could probably have one. If you are a supporter of government welfare programs like Social Security and Medicare you have an obligation to be outraged at this waste. You have an obligation to step up and challenge your representatives. Tell them spending more money to study the affect of climate change on cows than an average American family will see in there lifetime is not only unnecessary, it’s insulting! Source: ijreview/2013/07/62641-a-video-tour-of-government-waste/ Again, do you have something to add to this? Please make a comment on this post, and help us be informed as possible... News Station 023, We can make a change, we can start a revolution! Addtional Tags: #IRS #fraud #spending #taxpayers #money #theft #abovethelaw #law #youtube #ijreview #tour #video #help #revolution #demonstrations #protest #hack #opIRS #opNSA #Occupy #TeaParty #party #tea #OWS #blockupy #Bypass #change #Obama #return #insurrection #US #America #American #consumers #citizens #war #civilwar
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 14:47:59 +0000

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