Government Moves to Ban This Ingredient By Allison Crawford | - TopicsExpress


Government Moves to Ban This Ingredient By Allison Crawford | Thursday, November 7th, 2013 In a rare positive move, the FDA recently proposed measures to ban artificial trans fats from foods. This is a huge step forward for food safety and general public health. Until now, partially hydrogenated oils (the source of trans fats) were labeled as generally recognized as safe by the FDA, along with ingredients like salt and caffeine. The new proposal would force food companies to prove that partially hydrogenated oils are safe to eat — a task that should prove nearly impossible. After all, experts across the scientific and medical communities have known the dangers of trans fats for years... Advertisement This Is Making Wall Street Furious Did you know theres a little-known government document that reveals the wealth secret of the most powerful investors on Wall Street? As the Financial Times says: It reveals information that [they] would rather keep to themselves. tcn-image To find out how you can use this document to make a small fortune, click here. Artificial trans fats are made by adding hydrogen to liquid oils to make them more solid. They are used to improve the texture, shelf life, or flavor of foods and are typically listed as partially hydrogenated oils on food labels. According to the Mayo Clinic, trans fat is considered the worst type of fat. Not only does it raise levels of bad (LDL) cholesterol, but it also lowers levels of good (HDL) cholesterol and increases your risk of heart disease, the number one killer of men and women. Other side effects of trans fats include hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), plaque buildup, and inflammation. These effects can also lead to an increased risk of stroke, diabetes, and heart attack. Suffice it to say trans fats are definitely not something you want in your food... Fortunately, legislation is finally catching up to science. Trans fats have been on the chopping block for decades. Already banned by New York and other local governments, trans fats have no recognized health benefits; and food producers as well as restaurants have been phasing them out of use for years. After a 2006 ruling by the FDA that required foods containing trans fats to be labeled as such, many producers voluntarily chose to eliminate them — including major chains like McDonalds. However, this didnt completely remove the harmful ingredient from supermarket shelves. Trans fats are typically found in popular processed foods like microwave popcorn, frozen pizzas, margarines, and coffee creamers. This new ban will help fully eliminate trans fat from the existing foods that still contain it. After a 60-day waiting period in which the agency will collect comments on the proposal, the FDA will determine a timeline for the phase-out, which may vary for different types of food. We want to do it in a way that doesnt unduly disrupt markets, says Michael Taylor, the FDAs deputy commissioner for foods. [The food] industry has demonstrated that it is by and large feasible to do. The implementation of the ban cant come soon enough. Michael Jacobson, director of advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest, supported the move saying it is one of the most important lifesaving actions the FDA could take. Eliminating trans fats could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths in the United States alone each year. Cheers, allison sig Allison Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Advertisement NIH insider leaks top secret pain cure Theres one simple substance relieving arthritis pain when others cant. Its natural, abundant, and goes to work in minutes — not days. And now YOU can have it. Thanks to the courage of a former senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health. Watch the Prometheus Pain Cure here — absolutely free today. But please dont wait. Im sure once word gets out, the Mandarins of Medicine will move swiftly to shut it down. You and your loved ones could be living pain free — in mere minutes. Watch it here, now.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:57:04 +0000

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