Governor Haslam prepares us for Sharia Law Compliance in - TopicsExpress


Governor Haslam prepares us for Sharia Law Compliance in Tennessee: This time Governor Haslam brings Shariah Law to the Tennessee Department of Children’s Services Three curious moves recently to “ready” Tennessee for a perceived influx of Muslims into our communities is under way. Why such a big push to make us Sharia compliant? What does he know that we don’t? Why are we hurrying to prepare to make so many people ready to move in? What is in our horizon and should every community in Tennessee be worried? It is no secret that the Muslim brotherhood is backing the building of the mosque near Nashville. It is well documented many of the brotherhood have come out in support of the mosque. Terrorists making nice with our Governor, the Department of Homeland Security, Children Services and local law enforcement means we are becoming Sharia compliant. This action by our Governor portrays to the people of Tennessee that we are accepting of their laws in our state! This is unbelievable and begs an answer from our governor as to why and for what reason? Watch for some type of action in the near future for Bradley County, the so called “bible belt buckle” of Tennessee. It will be interesting to see if our local “religious” folks here in town are going to warm up to the Muslim Brotherhood and their shenanigans. I can almost bet that with all the hobnobbing Governor Haslam has done lately with the locally elected officials that something is on the horizon for us to somehow become accepting of Sharia Law in Bradley County. Just a thought from perhaps a slightly paranoid blogger, but mark my word. Sharia Law and the acceptance thereof in some form will be introduced in Cleveland! Just a hunch, but I think I’ll be correct with that assumption. He has hired an expert to fund their activities, he has prepared our police to deal with them legally and has traine DCS to deal with their children. Something is not right in Tennessee! The last I heard we live in America. And for as long as I have been alive we have had to obey American laws. Why are we bowing to Sharia Law which considers itself the supreme law of the land and even trumps the Constitution? Every person that enters America, despite their religion should obey American law, not transport their law with them for all of us to obey at their convenience! This is a very bad, very volatile move that our Governor is making for all of us in the name of political correctness for an attempt to satisfy their demands. Sharia dominance in Tennessee will be a huge mistake for the religious freedoms of it’s citizens. To think this is benign and only shows the softer gentler side of Governor Haslam, think again. Governor Haslam showing kind to AMAC(American Muslim Advisory Council), stealth jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood transplanted to Murfreesboro/Nashville area is a very dangerous game to be playing. This country was founded on Christian principles and will now see those rights challenged tremendously and possibly taken away for us just so we can politically accommodate 60,000 Muslims, 1 percent of our populace now in Tennessee, and that is fixing to change.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 22:19:59 +0000

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