Grace Bible Church Pastor Teacher Robert R. - TopicsExpress


Grace Bible Church Pastor Teacher Robert R. McLaughlin Sunday December 28, 2014 1. Every tree being desirable to the sight is the first category which is designed for the prosperity of the soul. 2. The Second category of trees was the category called good for food. 3. The third category: the Tree of Life. 4. Category four is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 1PE 2:24 and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree [KJ], that we might die to the sin nature and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed. Then the second tree of life he can now partake of is called wisdom or the tree of life which pertains to Bible doctrine, PRO 3:18. God, in His grace, has provided for us our own Garden of Eden which I call the PPOG, a perfect spiritual environment in this life. After the fall, the purpose for the creation of man could only be perpetuated by God cutting man off from the Tree of Life and providing a new Tree of Life: the cross, 1PE 2:24, and Bible doctrine, PRO 3:18. Because good represented the plan of God, while evil represented the plan of Satan. He would have rather seen His creation remain perfect and never have to choose to make a choice between good or evil. But of course, He knew what was going to happen and therefore He provided a solution. We would not have known evil, sin, legalism, self-righteousness, religion, and the PPOG, if we had not fell or eaten from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Only in sinfulness and spiritual death must man understand the issue of good versus evil. How do you discover the Tree of Life in time? PRO 3:18 She [chokmah, wisdom, metabolized doctrine] is a Tree of Life to those who take hold of her. Man was cut off from the tree of life because of his positive volition to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life was provided by God\s grace to be associated with man\s positive volition, which was to be expressed in his free will toward the plan of God. There are many distractions to Bible Doctrine which we began to note Friday evening with the difference between distractions from doctrine and distractions to positive volition. In MAT 13:7,22, thorns refer to the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of riches choke out the word. There is another problem which many believers face which can also extinguish or suffocate PVTD and that is arrogant subjectivity. Arrogant subjectivity is an overemphasis of your personal problems when listening to Bible Doctrine being taught. You must have self‑discipline to set your problems aside before listening to the teaching of the word of God. Every message is not going to be for your present personal problems. Knowing this beforehand is the Greek word proginisko which means to have knowledge beforehand or before the moment needed the knowledge is given. Bible Doctrine is the essential of life, which demands perception and inflexibility in determining the reality in life. What Bible Doctrine says should be the reality to you, 2PE 1:16‑21. MAT 17:2 And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. There were a lot of Myths and stories about gods coming down to the earth. You may experience something, however, if what you experience does not line up biblically, your experience though real, is wrong. If you find reality in Bible doctrine then you will turn out to be a great lover and a very wonderful and thoughtful person. Reality is found in the doctrine of the word of God not in empiricism or experience. Empirical phenomena is what you see, feel, taste, touch, and hear. Peter, even though he has experienced a glimpse of the Second coming will emphasize doctrine over experience. Question, What was more real to Peter? Seeing Christ on the mount of transfiguration as He would appear at the Second advent and hearing the voice of God the Father or BD metabolized about the subject? Reality can only be determined by what is taught in the word of God. Personal problems are non‑essentials, which demand the application of doctrine, and at the same time flexibility, regulation, and restraint when involved in the function of perception and metabolization of doctrine. If you think your problems are more important than anything else in life, you are inflexible about your personal problems, therefore disassociated from reality. Personal problems must not be a distraction to objectivity when under Bible teaching. Self‑centeredness is training yourself to think about you and only about you and your problems. Under the principle of self‑discipline, the believer must be regulated by the filling of the Holy Spirit to approach doctrine with objectivity and concentration. Authority orientation demands that Bible teaching overrule preoccupation with personal problems. The filling of Holy Spirit restrains occupation with personal problems as a non-essential during Bible class. ROM 12:3, Stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance beyond what you ought to think... When you think of your problems during Bible class, you are an arrogant person and have distracted yourself. ROM 12:3 but think in terms of sanity [objectivity] for the purpose of being rational without illusion. This means being inflexible in the essentials and flexible in the non-essentials. You become an opportunist seeking to distort doctrine, so that you can rationalize and therefore try and remove your problems. Concentration on personal problems is tantamount to inflexibility in non‑essentials. In fulfilling the function of PMA of BD, the believer must understand the interpretation of a scripture in terms of grammar, syntax, exegesis, isagogics and contextual application rather than personal application. By failure to set aside your problems, you inject arrogance into the function of perception and metabolization and the result is subjectivity in your approach to the word of God. Inflexibility in the non-essentials divorces you from the reality of what the passage is actually teaching, not what you would like it to teach. Subjective distortion of doctrine to justify self or to solve personal problems is a non‑essential. It becomes arrogant presumption and subjectivity to presume that every scripture is related to your current personal problems, or that God is speaking directly to you concerning your personal problems. Instead of objectivity in approaching doctrinal teaching for the purpose of receiving the correct interpretation, your subjectively distorts what you hear to relate it to your immediate problems, so that your approach to teaching is subjective and you do not profit from the teaching. 2CO 10:5 Assaulting and demolishing cosmic thoughts and every obstacle of pride which attacks the objective knowledge of God. even making a prisoner of every human viewpoint system of thought to the authority of Christ. , `publish`=1, cl_date=1419742800
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 20:54:22 +0000

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