Grace Bible Church Pastor Teacher Robert R. - TopicsExpress


Grace Bible Church Pastor Teacher Robert R. McLaughlin Friday, March 14, 2014 JOH 15:20-21, Remember the word that I said to you, A slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My names sake, because they do not know the One who sent Me. Apartment Hall Meeting place Chairs P.A. System Cassette recorder Projector Screen Name Pulpit Microphone Some financial support Desk Chair Bookshelves Automobile Computer Tape copiers Blank tapes There are voices on the road of life And Ive made choices that I know werent right They brought me to my knees At the end of a lonely street And I am standing here today and I want to say God gave me back my tomorrow I threw tomorrow away He took this life full of sorrow Suddenly everythings changed The moment it happened it was the moment I knew It was like walking in the darkness When the light comes shinning through I said that God gave me back tomorrow When youre struggling with guilt and shame You traded your tomorrows And all you got to show for it is heartache and pain And its brought your to your knees At the of a lonely street He is standing here today and Hell help you say God gave me back my tomorrow I threw tomorrow away He took this life full of sorrow Suddenly everythings changed The moment it happened it was the moment I knew It was like walking in the darkness When the light comes shinning through I said that God gave me back tomorrow The moment it happened it was the moment I knew It was like walking in the darkness When the light comes shinning through I said that God gave me back Oh yes He did God, He gave me back I said that God gave me back tomorrow We have already noted that we are living in the Church-age, the dispensation of no prophecy and therefore, a dispensation which continues on the basis of historical trends. It means that even though history is the record of mans thoughts, decisions, actions and motivations, it is Jesus Christ who ultimately controls all of history, both human and angelic. For we understand that because mankind has a free will, he is also responsible for many of the things that take place in human history as well. 1. For example, there is the directive will of God which means that God has a plan for each of our lives which is communicated DIRECTLY through His Word. 2. Then there is also the DETERMINATIVE will of God where God has DETERMINED for the free will of His creatures to bring them to the place of blessing or cursing. 3. Thirdly, then there is the PERMISSIVE will of God where negative volition to Gods word is PERMITTED, but also there is divine justice which provides a horrible life and death. 4. Also, number 4, the will of God is also PREVENTATIVE, providing Bible doctrine, establishment laws, and discipline to keep human volition inside the will of God. 5. Finally, there is the OVERRULING will of God which supersedes the directive and permissive will of God, and involves the frustration of mans will and Satans will. The point is that God controls the circumstances but does not interfere with the operation of ones own free will or volition. And so, we not only call this time in which we live, the dispensation of the Church-age, but we also call it the dispensation of historical trends. The first prophecy was to be fulfilled when the Church-age began. At this time, there was the prophecy of the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ followed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The only other prophecy which we are waiting to be fulfilled is the prophecy at the end of the Church-age which is the prophecy of the Rapture. 1TH 4:16-17 which says For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and thus we shall always be with the Lord. This is a period of time that is also known as a time of historical trends where we can observe the signs of the times by what is taking place in human history. DAN 12:4 But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase. 1. First, Many will go back and forth, which means the increase of travel. 2. Then secondly, which we have all seen which is the fact that Knowledge shall increase. His hour is a reference to the cross and really it is His hour of victory in the angelic conflict, JOH 12:23; JOH 17:1, MAR 14:41. He mentioned this victory in JOH 12:23, And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour [His time of death on the cross] has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. JOH 17:1 These things Jesus spoke; and lifting up His eyes to heaven, He said, Father, the hour has come; glorify Thy Son, that the Son may glorify Thee, MAR 14:41 And He came the third time, and said to them [that is Peter, James and John], Are you still sleeping and taking your rest? It is enough; the hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. He knew it because of the fact that in His humanity, not in His deity, but in His humanity, the Lord studied passages like PSA 41:9 Even My close friend, in whom I trusted, who ate My bread, has lifted up his heel against Me. Absalom decided to put down his father, judge him, speak evil about him and then he tried to start a rebellion to overthrow his father, and take over the throne. The phrase lifted up his heel portrays brutal violence, the lifting of a heel and driving the heel into the neck of the victim. LUK 2:40 And the Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him. LUK 2:52 And Jesus kept increasing in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. He even knew the amount which the betrayer would receive for the betrayal as well as what that amount would be used for. If we were studying the book of Zechariah I would prove to you that Zec 10 and Zec 11 actually predict and prophecy the betrayal of Judas to our Lord, the amount Judas would receive for the betrayal, the thirty pieces of silver and what the money would be used for called purchasing a burial lot called the Potters Field. This is taught in MAT 26:14-15, Then one of the twelve, named Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests, MAT 26:15 and said, What are you willing to give me to deliver Him up to you? And they weighed out to him thirty pieces of silver. Long before Judas was ever born, his hatred of Jesus Christ was planned by divine design--predestined in the plan of God from eternity past. out of the world is the prepositional phrase ek tou kosmou which refers to the fact that His body went into the grave, LUK 23:53, His soul went to Paradise in Hades, ACT 2:27, His spirit went to the Father, LUK 23:46. This is known as the first and only trichotomus separation. Trichotomus refers to the body, soul and spirit. Dichotomous refers to just the body and soul. His body went into a grave and the grave was on the earth. Paradise, at this time, was a part of the underworld and is not accessible from this world as the grave is. Out of the trichotomus separation of Christ at His physical death, it is the soul and the spirit which are emphasized and definitely not the body. ISA 53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him; he has put Him to grief. When You make His SOUL an offering for sin The body was buried on the earth and the body is emphasized in resurrection not in the death of Christ because Christ died spiritually for us not physically. He loved is an aor-act-part, agapesas, which of course refers to His impersonal unconditional love. The amazing thing about this love is that this indicates His mental attitude toward His disciples even though in the next 16 hours they rejected listening and concentrating on our Lords teachings. They all blew it but agapao expresses our Lords mental attitude toward those that He knows are going to fail completely, and thats grace. He knew that they would not really understand all the implications and principles behind Him washing their feet when He taught them it, but He washed their feet anyway. Well his own is a reference to His disciples, the word for His own is an accusative masculine plural, idios, and it describes His disciples. prin-While our Lord was going to the cross and while our Lord was on the cross His attitude never changed toward the disciples....thats grace. Since the eleven disciples were born again, he couldnt possess them. He was looking for someone to possess at that dinner. Here is man at the last supper who was not demon possessed, but worse, he was Satan possessed, possessed by Satan himself. having put is a perf-act-part, beblekotos meaning to throw or to cast. The perfect tense means that Judas has received negative information from the devil concerning our Lord Jesus Christ for some time now. betray Him is an aor-act-subj, parado, which is translated to betray and indicates the devils self‑proclaimed purpose when he entered the room. Prin-The devils objective was to help the Sanhedrin accomplish their policy to stone the Lord Jesus Christ and kill Him. What better way to frustrate the cross then to turn the Lord over to the Sanhedrin and they would have a quick trial and then stone Him to death. Prin-The devils objective was to get Jesus to die physically...not spiritually. The way that he could do this was to give Him over to the Jews because the Jews always put someone under a rock pile....theyd stone them to death. The objective of Satan is to get Judas to betray the Lord so that he can haul Jesus into the Sanhedrin and stone Him to death and just die physically. What the devil was afraid of, because He knows Theology better than most, he is afraid that somehow Jesus will get on that cross where He will bear the sins of the world and die spiritually. ROM 6:23 For the wages of sin is [spiritual] death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. The day that Adam ate the fruit, thats the day Adam would die. He lived physically over 930 years after that according to GEN 5:3. Even up until this day, Satan has accomplished this, not by stopping the Lord from dying on the cross but through blinding believers from the difference between spiritual death and physical death. In fact the verb for had given is the aor-act-ind, edoken correctly translated had given. In eternity past He knew every problem you would ever have and made a provision for you, in time, way back in eternity past, for you to be able to handle your problems.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:55:59 +0000

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