Grace Note for April 29, There is a beautiful valley in - TopicsExpress


Grace Note for April 29, There is a beautiful valley in Switzerland that lies deeply hidden in the Alps. This valley is surrounded by steep mountain walls. If one enters this valley, that person will move along the only road until it ends at the base of a steep wall of rock. The Swiss call this place the End of the World. However, if one is willing to go climbing on foot, Swiss guides will show a determined hiker the path that leads up and over that mountain barrier. Many people believe that life is like a road that runs through the valley of time. We cannot turn back but must continue walking onward. The days pass quickly and then come the end of the road. We stand at the sheer rock wall we call death. It is the end of our world, for it is the end of life. But because Jesus Christ has been raised from the dead and we have through him received the gift of eternal life, we find a way up and over that wall of rock. Jesus said, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 12:51:42 +0000

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