Grace part 3 The fourth of what man calls the Ten Commandments - TopicsExpress


Grace part 3 The fourth of what man calls the Ten Commandments but min the Word is called the ten debar proclaims: Remember the Shabbat Day to keep it holy. The Kiddush consecration is also connected with the drinking of wine, which, in turn, becomes part of a ceremony and, in turn, is associated with the Shabbat New Wine of Holy Spirit and was what Yeshua did at the wedding feast. The Kiddush cup symbolizes YOU as the vessel through which and into which, blessing of Yeshua’ Blood comes. This CUP “IS” not represents My Blood, DRINK IT ALL! The numerical value of the letters in the word for drinking cup [in Hebrew, kos, spelled kaf, vav, “samech” as in His samech words = 85 ] is the same as that of the letters in that name of God which expresses divine revelation into the world, in nature, in law and is the name Elohim. And into the cup is poured the bounty, the wine that represents the power of the blessing of the word wine [in Hebrew yayin, spelled yud, yud, nun] whose numerical equivalent is seventy, which is also the number particular to Shabbat Eve which is the eve of Calvary where Yeshua partook of the cup of sin and punishment so we can partake of the cup of rejoicing and blessings. Wine then evokes the bounty, the great plentitude and power; and red wine especially expresses a certain aspect of the spirit quality of gevura/Gods Strength, which also has an aspect of severity and justice to the enemy. Thus after one has poured most of the wine into the cup, a little water = His Truth Word, symbolizing “GRACE” and love, is added to create the right mixture, or harmony, between chesed and gevura. After the filling of the cup, which is now the vessel of consecration containing the divine plenty, one places it on the palm of the right hand in such a way that the cup, supported by the upturned fingers, resembles or recalls a rose of five petals. This is because one of the symbols of our being royalty to God is the rose. And the cup of wine, thus expressing also the Shechina, stands in the center of the palm and is held by the petal fingers of the rose. The time has come for man to see and receive into their spirit the Truth of Gods ceremony itself. Let’s now look at one of the meanings of Blood and water coming from the side of Yeshua. Say to Aaron, “Take your staff = protection and support from God and stik of God to walk in] and stretch forth your hand over the waters of Egypt/sin entrapment, over their rivers, over their canals, over their ponds and over all their bodies of water and they will become blood = Judged by God, and there will be blood throughout the entire land of Egypt/sin distractions, even in wood and in stone (Ex. 7:18) First of all, did God say I will stretch for My hand or did He tell Aaron to do it? Gods will would be only be done and the result would be the same as if God Himself hit the river because Aaron obeyed. The water turned to blood when Aaron smote the river, but first he lifted up the rod to God and spread his hand over the land of Egypt in all directions. Do you speak to the rivers of Satan or Egypt or bawl and beg God to do what He tells man to do. Did Yeshua say I am going to Father and all you have to do is beg Me to come down from heaven and rescue you or did He says YOU DO IT IN AGREEMENT WITH MY BLOOD? So when Aaron spoke in the sight of Pharaoh, all the waters in the river turned to blood and the blood was throughout the land of Egypt. So, through the spreading of his hand, a local plague became national in all the country and God says to pray the bloods provisions over your nation and all the leaders, not murmur and complain because they live in darkness and not Gods Light. Water is cold, whereas blood is warm. There are two types of coldness and two types of warmth: a person whose primary orientation in life is material and they will be cold to spiritual concerns and warm to material concerns; a person whose primary orientation is spiritual will be cold to material concerns and warm to spiritual concerns. River water in the natural signifies the coldness of materiality toward spiritual concerns. Man’s indifference to the Divine force that surpasses and controls nature signifies the coldness of spirituality toward changing material concerns from spiritual provisions. When man’s blood is aroused against any nation, it is the blood of killed people, because another nation is provoked to come and kill them. But in or with Egypt/sin, God did not want to bring another nation to arouse blood against them, He used His Blood. The very first of the ten plagues, the ten stages by which Egypt was subdued, was God wanting to transform their coldness of its water of wrong thinking from their teachings into the heat of Gods Blood. Allegorically, this signifies the transformation of cold indifference to Divinity and into warm enthusiasm for it. This had to be the first step because indifference can quickly lead to a drastic decline in commitment. Once this is done, the path is open to additional, more specific stages through which Gods reality of Grace could be impressed on Egypts and the worlds awareness. Most people don’t even say a proper “grace” over food and very, very few say “Grace” after they eat which is more important. God says in John 21:12, “come and dine” at His table of Life and that more abundantly. He says in Psalms 23:5, I prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemy and man says I would rather beg for you for things. God says in Psalms 27:2, it is vain for you to sit up late and partake of Satan’s bread of sorrows and man says “UP YOURS”, I want to believe my pastor and the circumstances over your word, God. Yeshua said ,in John 6:53-55, except you eat My flesh and drink My Blood, you have no part of Me and man says, “how gross.” Yeshua said in Rev. 2:17, overcome the worlds way of thinking and speaking and I will grant you to eat of the tree of life that ws forbidden to Adam and in 2:17 says He will give you a new “NAME/Shem and a white stone for water from Him. He says in Mark 7:20 that which goes into the body doesn’t defile it but what comes out of the mouth. Some people don’t eat pork and vomit if they find out because of fearing man, when God sais ALL his creation is good. I was the in house prophet with bethel Congregation and we fed about 2500 people each week through my and my wife’s food bank ministry. The Rabbi wanted to receive some glory and went one weekend and ate some of the hotdogs we served. It wasn’t until 5 hours later that he saw the package and saw it was pork that he acted sick in the sight of man and vomited. What a JOKE man acts like! He even gets sick sometimes when he says grace over kosher foods, so go figure! Prophet Joe
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:05:24 +0000

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