Gratitude Challenge Day 2 I started this Gratitude Challenge - TopicsExpress


Gratitude Challenge Day 2 I started this Gratitude Challenge when I accepted the invitation from one of my moms good friends. However, I was not able to continue the next day as I had to leave for another place. So here I am now, 5 days after, finding time in our last night on this trip, and it seems to me that I am having a difficult time choosing only 5 out of the many many things to be grateful for in my 5 days of field work. So here we go, I will try my best and I hope I could give justice to whoever its due and I could capture clearly the scene for you as it took place. 1. I am grateful for the nature of work that I have been privileged with. God is clearly opening up my eyes on things I have been indifferent with before. He has and is still molding my heart with His gentle touch that thugs deeply within. I wouldnt be where I am now and I wouldnt have gone to places Ive been if it werent for Him. So I thank You Lord for all that Youve done. For nothing compares in the experiences that You and I have been through. And I am looking forward for more of my days with You here on earth and when I am back home with You... 2. Thank you for Fathers. Fathers like this man, who cannot let go of his boys, yet remains strong or chooses to be strong for his family, and for his country. My heart is forever changed and renewed. 3. Thank you for brothers. I saw 3 boys aboard a small bangka (boat) near the seaport where boats dock coming from various nearby provinces carrying passengers and cargos. The 2 boys look like theyre 5 and 6 year olds respectively, while the 3rd one look like hes less than a year-old. His 2 brothers are seated on both ends of the banca, the front and the back side, while the little one is tightly holding on to the dividers to keep him stable. All three of them are comfortably not wearing anything except for the 2 older ones wearing worn-out goggles. Alternately, the 2 older brothers would plunge out of the banca, for what I can only assume to be either; 1. taking a dip to give them some cool bath from the scorching heat of the sun, or 2. to swoop down the water to find some pennies and coins that passengers throw as they approach the pier. While all this time, taking care of their little brother keeping watch on him while their parents probably go about their daily livelihood. 4. Thank you for a competent team -- that has the tenacity and courage to come out of their comfort zones and go beyond their AO displaying proactiveness and team work that immediately responds to signal coverage concerns and customer inquiries that even when we were out on open water during the fluvial parade (one of Tawi-Tawis highlights), my 3G data signal is up and on full bar. 5. Lastly, thank you for the beautiful, very nice and warm #tawitawians. I feel at home, in fact, its like I am home. Unknown to many, or contrary to what many know about this place and about the people, theres only one thing left to say, you will never know the truth until you have been there.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 03:05:27 +0000

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