Gratitude challenge: Day #3 I nominate Tanya Perez and Teri - TopicsExpress


Gratitude challenge: Day #3 I nominate Tanya Perez and Teri Scholp Valladolid. You need to list 3 things you are grateful for, for 7days and nominate 2 peaple each day. 1. My parents were very strict and old school at 8yrs old they divorced. My brother, sister and I went with my dad who worked what seemed like 24/7. We lived with my grampa and all my uncles till they all went their separate ways when I was in Junior high and then it was just my dad. I was literally raised by men so today I am grateful for all the women who have crossed my path. Whether you know it or not Ive tried to learn from you. I was a *wierd* kid. I was headstrong and a fighter at home but shy and wierd at school. I was in ALOT of fights growing up. I was on my bike 24/7 Or always walking somewhere. In high school I was always working or at the library. I am grateful for Petra Gonzalez growing up Ive always looked up to you cuz-youve never judged me despite of what u may have heard. Youve always just * loved* me thank u. Ime grateful for Corina Noelia Zasada, girl Ive always admired you youve been from the beggining like a big sister ALWAYS looking out for me! Ime grateful for Jayne Zuck Oldham thank u for always being there to talk. Ime grateful for Nancy Keigley for being one of my work mommys. I am grateful for Gwen Dockery, Shelly Kinseys mom, Maria Tovar and sooooo many others. Thank you to my angels! 2. Ime grateful for my comfy bed seems like I sleep on pillows lol... 3. Ime grateful grateful to have food on the table every day for every meal.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:02:05 +0000

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