Gratitude day 4 c/o Megan 1. Big personalities. You know who - TopicsExpress


Gratitude day 4 c/o Megan 1. Big personalities. You know who you are and you know the ones. People that could just as easy blow you over with their presence but instead they embrace you and make you part of the pack. Giving you space to run and encourage you along. Yo, big personality people, I embrace you. I love you. The world would be damn boring without you. Thank you for being loud, and brash, and big, and bright. 2. My mom, Sharon, she moved across the country to live with us and help us take care of Gus. Without her our life would be very very different. Without her, I would not be able to make it through the week. My mom is awesome, my mom rocks. She is wonderful. The next time you see her, you should give her a hug. 3. People that put their lives on the line to make the world a better place. Those nuns that practically live outside of death row penitentiaries, environmentalists that chain themselves to trees and block the laying of logging roads, the occupiers, the Ferguson protestors, whale protectors, women that cover other women with their bodies as they walk into clinics, the beat cops in my neighborhood, firefighters, soldiers. All the warriors that do the dirty work so that we can have choices about what we do and say and how we live. People that believe so deeply in something that they are willing to put their bodies in front of yours. I believe in those people, I thank those people. Those people deserve a lot of love especially since they are working against the machine and often in a system that often doesnt value them. Today I give it to Shannon, Erin Erin three things (that you are so grateful for it blows your mind a little) a day for five days. Get to the gettin.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 22:27:53 +0000

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