Great Law of Attraction Techniques from Spiritual - TopicsExpress


Great Law of Attraction Techniques from Spiritual Readings~♥ *~* Crucial Law of Attraction Techniques To Bring You What You Want *~* Did you know that your emotions are the “fuel” that lends power to everything that manifests in your life? So when you experience negative emotions such as fear, anger, jealousy, resentment, hopelessness, pessimism, doubt, frustration etc., you are creating more lack in your life. In order to turn lack into abundance, you have to focus on happy, uplifting and positive emotions such as joy, love, optimism, gratitude etc. The two law of attraction techniques we are going to teach you will help you bring that positive energy fuel into your life so you can manifest whatever you want into your life including wealth, health, love, and success in abundance. The universe knows no lack. The first law of attraction technique we call the stop sign technique. As soon as you notice yourself starting to feel stressed or worried about anything immediately picture a giant red stop sign. Then shift your focus onto a positive memory about anything. The memory should make you smile, and if possible laugh out loud. Then engage in a bit of self-talk and say out loud something you are grateful for. For example, “I am so grateful for having such an amazing family that I can always rely on.” You can continue your self talk until your negative feelings pass. Listening to positive, uplifting music helps as well. Our second law of attraction technique is to begin directing more positive emotions toward whatever you want. Positive emotions are needed to attract more abundance into your life. One way to do this is using affirmations. Using money as an example, affirm that, “I always have more than enough money for everything I need.” Keep saying the affirmation or affirmations over and over again, allowing yourself to feel confident and happy that your financial needs are being met. This law of attraction technique is also a good thing to do when you notice you’re starting to feel worried or frightened about something. Immediately turn the focus around and say, “I ALWAYS have more than enough (money) for EVERYTHING I need.” Always say your affirmations with power and conviction in your voice, and really believe that they are so. As you begin shifting your focus from negative emotions to positive emotions every day, you should start to notice your situation shifting to a better place as well. For people who are looking to change their financial situation around, you might receive an unexpected check in the mail or get a bonus or pay raise at work, or you may even notice you’re starting to receive unexpected gifts or discounts. The universe is creative in bringing you what you want. Look for signs that your positive attitude and affirmations are working! Continually focus on your positive emotions as often as possible and you’ll keep the good energy flowing – which will keep inspiring greater and greater change in your life.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 00:57:36 +0000

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