Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things seen and unseen, it is with a humbled heart that we come together as one to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the rains that have come from above to the arid lands of thirst. We thank you for the majestic mountains that bring the waters from the snow upon their peaks. We thank you as the snow melts and the waters begin to cascade down the slope, maneuvering around the rocks and other obstacles, on their way back to the oceans. We thank you for the beauty of the swimmers that inhabit the waters. We thank you for the four-leggeds that inhabit the forests and deserts. We thank you for our time of observance as we stand in nature. We thank you for the knowledge we receive in nature and the healing as we lay upon Mother Earth. We thank you for the music we hear when we sit beside the rushing waters or listen to the breeze through the trees. There are many that still remain in hospitals awaiting cures for diverse diseases and disorders. We ask for your guidance to be granted to those searching for these cures. We ask for others to begin to understand that everything we need may be found in nature, and the more we destroy it adds another step to our extinction. We ask for more warriors to be shown the importance of helping the needy, whether they be women, children, and the homeless, but also for all living things. We ask for greater understanding of our connectedness to all living things. We ask for protection for all of the defenseless. We ask for protection, courage and guidance given to those that continue to stand against those that willfully destroy the wolves, horses, whales and dolphins. We ask for a greater awakening of spirits during this time, so the light burns brighter amid the surrounding darkness. We are beginning to understand that all that we have been taught, has been deception. We ask for truth and discernment so we may truly understand our purpose and know when we are being deceived. We ask for an end to the forced assimilations that have been going on for many years. We ask for an end to modern-day slavery of all kinds. We ask for the release of all the innocents still incarcerated over crimes they did not commit. We thank you for your continued blessings and answering of prayers. We thank you for our Elders that give us the lessons of the present as well as the wisdom of the past. We thank you for our children that will soon build upon the foundation we have laid before them. Grant them guidance and perseverance toward building a better future. We thank you for those that come into our lives for a short time in order to give us the insight we need. We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing. We thank you for your love, protection, guidance, discipline and perseverance. We thank you for the trials we endure in order to strengthen us. We thank you for our thorns that keep us grounded and not boastful. Emenv
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 05:17:17 +0000

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