Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with - TopicsExpress


Great Spirit, Almighty Healer and Creator of all things, with humbled hearts we unite together to offer up many thanks. We thank you for the our Earth Mother that supplies us with the plants and herbs to cure our ailments and provide nourishment to our bodies. We thank the spirit of the rushing waters that flow from the mountaintops that give us the hydration our bodies need. We thank you for the clouds above that give us the rains to supply moisture for the soil and bring purification to the land. We thank the spirits of our animal brothers and sisters that show us how to live our lives. May respect once again find its way to the doorsteps of the wise Elders. We thank you for Grandfather Sun as he rises each morning to provide warmth and to light our paths. We thank you for Grandmother Moon as she watches over us during our slumber. We thank you for the spirit of the trees that provide us with the fruits of nourishment and the seeds for replanting. We thank the spirits of the ingredients in the foods we eat each day and ask you for its blessing. We ask for guidance each day in order to stay on our paths with strong legs and straight eyes. We ask that our hearts be blessed so we may understand its messages. We ask that our feet be blessed so they may take us to where we need to be. We ask that our eyes be blessed so we may see all the wonder that surrounds us. We ask that our hands be blessed so we may create beauty in all things. We ask for comfort for all that have lost loved ones. We ask for guidance, strength and courage for those that are now meeting their ancestors in the Spirit World. We ask for protection for our women and children that continue to suffer through violence and abuse. We ask for healing for those that are suffering through diverse diseases and disorders. For those that are in surgery, we ask for your guiding hands be placed upon the surgeons performing the operation. We ask for freedom for those that are being held without just cause. We ask for an end to the division that prevents us from uniting together to repair the damage done over the centuries. We ask for an era of peace in a war-weary world. We ask for guidance, protection and strength as we stand against those that would continue to destroy what you have created. We ask for the time of more visions and signs to be given to your people as has been foretold. We ask for the veils of secrecy be lifted so nothing remains hidden from your people. We ask for an end to the hatred, greed, discrimination, and lust of power and wealth that continues to erode our way of life. We ask for an end to the control that keeps us from doing the things we need to do. We ask for your forgiveness when we stray and for our enemies for the wrongs they have done. We ask for hardened hearts to soften and compassion toward the poor, the homeless and the widows be granted in its stead. We ask for closed doors to open for those that are trying to better their lives and that of their families. We ask for protection of our children from any and all outside unforeseen threats. We thank you for our ancestors that remain with us to help guide and protect us during our journey. We thank you for our Elders as they continue to give us the wisdom of the ancients, and the present life lessons. We thank you for our children that will carry these to their children and build upon the foundation placed before them. We thank you for Father Sky that protects us. We thank you for answered prayers. We thank you for the precious gift of life. We thank you for the gifts and blessings you have provided your children. Emenv
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 05:52:26 +0000

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