Great read by Brendan Hayden called Why I love haters If - TopicsExpress


Great read by Brendan Hayden called Why I love haters If you’re going to be successful, you should know that a lot of people are going to hate you for it. A lot of people. This is because with success comes attention. And attention naturally breeds scrutiny and judgement, as well as admiration and respect. Naturally though, you will attract your fair share of haters when this kind of focus is placed on you. Sometimes it’s not the fact that you’re getting attention that bugs people, while in some cases, it’s the sole reason. The good news though is that naysayers don’t have to ruin your day. While it may not seem like it, often, negativity can be a blessing in disguise; a catalyst to motivate you forward, giving you a chance to prove them wrong. While deep down inside, no one loves criticism and negativity, here are a few things that have learned that have helped me to appreciate the haters. Read on and feel the love! They’re Brutally Honest To a point, that is. While you can’t take everything that a hater says as solid truth, you can bet that they’re going to draw attention to your weak points. And that’s something that none of our friends or family would ever do. As world famous inventor Elon Musk said in a recent interview, “Always seek negative feedback, even though it can be mentally painful. They won’t always be right, but I find the single biggest error people make is to ignore constructive, negative feedback.” Don’t let a good hater go to waste, gather the truth from what they’re saying –just remember to throw the rest of it away. They Push You Forward While none of us ‘likes’ to be hated; there’s nothing like a little negativity to motivate you to do even better. While negative remarks that come from those closest to you will have the opposite effect (that’s why they say that those who are closest to us can hurt us the most), when it comes to haters, it’s another story. Your haters are largely made up of folks that really don’t know you, and that you don’t really care about as much. Insults from these guys can actually propel you forward. So the next time you hear that someone’s been saying something bad about you, know that you can use that as motivation to prove them wrong. But don’t worry –you won’t have to thank them! They Remind You That You’re in Control Negativity forces you to take a deep and honest look at yourself, and gives you a chance to find out what you’re really made of. It also reminds you that while you can’t control what others are saying, you do have complete control over how you feel about your life. You can let those negative comments get you down, or use them to motivate you forward. It’s your call. Publicity is a Good Thing Even though it may not seem like it at the time -no one wants to have bad press- negativity can actually bring you valuable publicity. Sebastian Dillon of NextShark mentions a fascinating study by the New York Times where, after analyzing their “most read” section, they found that the number one predictor of popularity was how angry it made the reader. In other words, publicity –especially negative press, encourages interaction. People are much more likely to engage with negative stories than they are with positive ones. “When you get bad press, your haters love it, so they talk about it, and your fans hate it so they come in and defend you,” Dillon says. They’re a Sign of Success No matter what, it’s important to remember that at the end of the day, people wouldn’t be talking if it weren’t for your success. So don’t let it get you down, instead use it to motivate yourself, and prove your point by proving them wrong. And of course, no one said it better than Churchill himself. “You have enemies? Good. That means youve stood up for something, sometime in your life.” Take heart in knowing that everyone who’s found their way into the public sphere has been hated at some point or another. No one’s exempt. “If everybody loves you, something is wrong. Find at least one enemy to keep you alert.” -Paulo Coelho They Make Success So Much Better Finally, I firmly believe that haters just make your successes feel even better. It’s one thing to reach a pinnacle of success with the support of a devoted fan base that supported you all the way, and knew you could do it all along. It’s another to reach that point, despite all of the naysayers who said it couldn’t be done. Revenge, it turns out, is sweet after all. Take that haters! Above all, it’s important to remember that negativity can be turned into success. Use it to motivate you, pick out the truth that can be found in it, and let it remind you that you’re still in control. Don’t let it get to your head, or cause you to lose sight of your goals. Publicity is a good thing, and having your very own critics is often a sure sign of success. So don’t let the haters get you down, instead use them to drive you to success. There really is no better way to handle negativity. Also, remember that in the end, negativity and positivity don’t pay the bills. As Grant Cardone -entrepreneur, New York Times bestselling author, speaker and motivator says: “One week they like me, the next week they hate me, both weeks I get paid.”
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 01:13:52 +0000

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