Greetings, We concluded a productive week at Southeast - TopicsExpress


Greetings, We concluded a productive week at Southeast Elementary. It is hard to believe the first month of school is officially complete. This week we completed the SLOs assessments. Like many in our district, we learned a lot from our experiences with SLOs that will be helpful as we all make adjustments in the future to protect instructional time and make this process more efficient and effective for students. As we analyzed SLOs data, we found that our students demonstrated expected performance on the SLOs. We look forward to seeing the growth they show this year. Other assessments that have been completed include DIBELS, GRASP, and SRI. We are currently planning parent conferences held with grade level teams to educate parents on grade level expectations for the beginning of the year as well as benchmark expectations. During these parent conferences, we will also educate parents on the current level of proficiency their child is demonstrating, expected growth, and strategies that will be used to support their childs growth. After-school tutorial has been approved to begin early this year, rather than later. We anticipate beginning this service for our students mid-September. This week, we began planning for after-school by determining how students will be selected for tutoring, how we are going to recruit teachers to provide the tutorial services, and our instructional focus. Ms. Terry Ponder, Instructional Technology Specialist, provided a training Wednesday afternoon for our faculty on multiple apps and sites available to enhance instruction and student engagement. We are looking forward implementing suggestions she shared with us. We revised our parent compact, parent involvement plan, and school-wide plan this week with the assistance of Ms. Holloway. We analyzed CRCT data from the 2013-2014 school year and the predictions made by GaDOE given the results were statistically converted to the Georgia Milestones. Based on these predictions and comparing our performance with both the state and district performance, we established a clear goal for our school-wide plan stating our students will perform within 15 percentage points of the states performance level for each grade level in each subject area on Georgias new testing instrument, the Georgia Milestones. We received access the educatorhandbook this week. This is the data collection tool used to accompany Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The teachers have been working diligently to input all the minor incident reports (MIR) collected since the beginning of the school year so we can analyze the data yielded from educatorhandbook. We will be able to pinpoint problem areas, times, subjects, etc. to implement positive behavior supports for the students in an effort to increase appropriate behavior. We had a record number of parents participate in the parent volunteer trainings. A total of 21 parents attended. They each received a follow-up phone call this week thanking them for participating in the training and receiving additional information about upcoming opportunities for them to become involved at the school. Ms. Smith, Parent Involvement Coordinator, Ms. Mullinax, Literacy Coach, and Ms. Taylor, 3rd grade teacher, began planning a parent involvement activity they have coined, Writing with Parents. We understand with critical need for our students to improve their writing skills and look forward to educating parents and getting them involved in writing with their children. As this is further developed and we schedule a date and time for the event, we would love to extend an invitation to you all to join us. We have begun advertising our Title I Annual Parent Meeting, which is slated for October 8th at 9:00 am in the media center AND October 9th at 6:00 pm in the medial center. We want to provide flexible times to increase the convenience for our parents to attend. Have a Great Holiday Weekend! Phil
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 16:49:59 +0000

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