Greetings my fellow Christians. it has been long since I wrote - TopicsExpress


Greetings my fellow Christians. it has been long since I wrote something on FB. I have been busy of course, ministry took me and I really enjoy what God is doing in my ministry. we had a number of ministries going on which kept us busy such as going to Evelyn Hone College before it was closed, UNZA ministry, Mahopo evangelism, Market ministry, deliverance ministry etc. This week has been another busy week. we have visitors from USA who have been teaching good courses to youths. Tommorow is Sunday I always encourage Christians to go to church. our services start at 0730-0930 and 10hrs-1200hrs. YOU ARE MOST WELCOME ALWAYS. receive the sermon I delivered last week. read through and learn from it. REFORMED CHURCH IN ZAMBIA CHILENJE CONGREGATION 14TH July 2013 SERVICES TEXT: TITUS 2:1-15 THEME: CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT OF WOMEN TO CHURCH AND FAMILY 1. INTRODUCTION Last week we learnt about the roles of men, wives in the family and church. Men are very important figures in the church and family. Today we shall learn, or talk about the general “commitment of women to family and church”. Women in the church, in God’s work are very important and we cannot do without them. We need women in everything – family, work, business, leadership, spiritual things, buildings, advise etc. For this reason, women must be respected, honored, loved, cared, protected and supported in everything. Amen 2. BACKGROUND a. Authorship: Paul b. Destination: Titus in Crete c. Purpose: To instruct Titus in the shepherding of the church on the island of Crete. d. Occasion: Titus’ need for instruction in leading the church. 3. TEXT IN FOCUS – TITUS 2:3-5 a. Paul writes to Titus encouraging him in his different duties he needed to undertake and execute in his ministry. b. He was taught to teach all groupings in the church their responsibilities according to the doctrine of God. He was to teach sound doctrine to the groups in the church. c. He needed to teach the following groups V2: the older men to be temperate Vv3-5: the older women to be reverent Vv6-8: teach the young men to be self-controlled Vv9-10 teach slaves to be subject to their masters Vv 11-15: a summary of God’s salvation to all men, his creation, and what we must avoid in life. Paul wanted Titus to take responsibility in teaching, reminding the church to be responsible in everything they do. Similarly, as individuals, families, church needs to be responsible in life. 4. THEME: “CHRISTIAN COMMITMENT OF WOMEN TO CHURCH AND FAMILY” Today we are going to continue from last week’s messages on the roles of husbands in the family. I will look at ‘commitment of women to church and family’. 5. WHAT WOMEN, WOULD BE WIVES, WIVES AND GROWING LADIES SHOULD NOT FORGET A. WOMEN SHOULD BE REVERENT IN THE WAY THEY LIVE (v3a) Women/men should be respectful. People should respect women due to their way of life, their good character brings respective from other people. If you want others to respect, revere you as a woman or man, then show your good character, behavior. Always desire to have a good character in life so that others respect you. B. WOMEN SHOULD NOT BE SLANDERERS Christian women and men should avoid insults, defaming others or each other. Christians in church, families, and communities should not take part in slandering, smearing bad things to others or to each other (Prov.10:18) We have to peaceable and not slandering people (1Tim.5:14 ;) C. WOMEN SHOULD NOT BE ADDICTED TO MUCH WINE Women and men are discouraged to addiction of anything including wine. People who get addicted to things mostly lose their focus in life and end up in negative consequences. Some people say the bible teaches us not to be addicted but one can drink. The question we must ask is in what context was it written? Does it suit me? What benefits do I get? We must not do things without evaluating or blindly. Avoid certain habits, obsession, infatuation of beer, smoking, women or men and other bad habits. Women and men must be self-controlled in life. Everything is permissible but everything is not beneficial. We must always check ourselves (Gal.5:23; 1Cor.10:23; 6:12). D. WOMEN MUST TEACH WHAT IS GOOD TO YOUNGER ONES The elderly women and men have a responsibility of teaching young couples, young girls, and young men. The responsibility given to elderly women and men is to teach young couples to love their husbands, to be subject to their husbands and to love their children (1Tim.5:3-4) Elderly people should always avoid things that will mislead young ones (2Tim.16) E. WOMEN MUST BE BUSY AT HOME God wants his children to be busy in their home and not get busy outside with other things that will not benefit their families and themselves. Women must avoid getting busy in a wrong way but get busy to build, bless their families (1Tim.5:13) God wants women and men not to be idle but work for their families in order to support their children, wives and husband. Women must not neglect their duties and go about gossiping, but they must work to God’s glory so that others can glorify God. women should always be supported in education, finding employment, growing in business etc 6. CONCLUSION Women play a major role in the church, communities, and families for this reason we cannot do without them. Therefore, as church, husbands, children, leaders let us support the women in everything for them to be successful in life. Amen Rev. Penias Mbewe. 0979628372
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 15:40:25 +0000

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