Greetings supporters. My campaign is gaining strength but as - TopicsExpress


Greetings supporters. My campaign is gaining strength but as always, there is room for improvement . I am hoping that all you great patriots will get out there and spread the word about my mission to rid our politics of career politicians and to restore our Constitution to its original form and intent. When this nation was formed our founding fathers never imagined that a cabal of career politicians, wealthy businessmen or old money recipients would be the people who would lead this nation. When it comes to lawyers, not all of them are evil. However, I would bet my life the majority of them use their knowledge to force their will upon the rest of us. People with money have the resources to buy their idea of how this nation should be ran prevails. In the end, it is never the will of the people but the will of a very small minority that is deciding the course this nation is taking. Our founding fathers expected that citizen legislator would step up to the plate, do their duty for all Americans, and when their term was up, go back to their original lives. If this nation is going to survive we must set in place more restrictive term limits. But most important of all, we must restore our constitution to its original form and intent. This means true power belongs in the hands of the individual States and the People. There is really only one change that I can think of that would have a profound impact on the healing of this republic and that is our election process. We must throw out the Electoral College and go to a paper based ballot. If necessary, people who cast their vote will have their hand dipped in indelible ink. I know how absurd this sounds but with the election of the illegal candidate Barrack ( Obama/Sotero) election fraud was never so obvious even in the times of Tammany Hall and Boss Tweed. Right this moment, those in power are attempting to rush through the legalization of illegal immigrants in order to keep themselves in power. We must fight this with every fiber of our being. Two thirds of the problem this nation has is a direct result of the cabal in power turning towards criminals to maintain their power. If I am elected I will be doing everything in my power to punish those who break the law and not reward them to maintain my position of President. I know there are a lot of you out there that think that a person like me does not stand a chance of getting elected. Those of you who feel this way might as well roll over on your back, expose your belly and let a small majority of powerful people tell the majority how we will lead our lives. To take back this nation is a simple proposition . If you want the will of the people to prevail, all you have to do is pass along what I think needs to be done to save our nation and let them decide for themselves. All I need for you to do is tell folks about my website dummett2016. Join the effort of thousands already on board and claim your birthright. We are free Americans in charge of our own industry. We dont nor have we ever allowed a dictator to determine our fate. Barrack Obama and his cabal is planning a coup of monumental proportions. They are already emboldened by their success of getting a man elected president who is not eligible by the constitution to hold that office. The Gods honest truth is Obama has not released one single record that proves he is eligible. I dare anyone to produce the evidence. As a matter of fact every record concerning Obama has been sealed. Has anyone stopped to ponder why this is so? The answer is so obvious and it insults the intelligence of the least smart of all of us to say Obamas records have been released. I know first hand that he has not because I am that person who filed first to have Obama produce those records. No case concerning Obamas qualifications or eligibility has ever been dismissed due to the merits of the case. The dismissals came out of technicalities . Currently I have an active case in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals to force the issue. The main point is Obama is not eligible and there are a lot of traitors in this nation protecting him. Why most of America wont see this I cant figure out. Our government has never given us a reason to trust them. So why now? I am eligible and qualified to be President. For certain I out due Obama on all counts. My education surpasses his. I have headed up multimillion dollar projects for the State of California and most important, I meet the constitutional eligibility requirements to be president. All I ask is for folks to spread the word about me. Look at my platform. Determine if my vision for America is not the same as yours. I represent the will of the people. We must throw out all career politicians and start from scratch. We do not want to go the way of Ancient Rome for it was the enemies from within the gates that destroyed Rome. Our enemies are within our walls. We must deal with it and deal with it now.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 03:17:54 +0000

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