Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP is an author, international - TopicsExpress


Grisha Stewart, MA, CPDT-KA, KPA CTP is an author, international speaker, and dog trainer who specializes in dog reactivity. She owns Ahimsa Dog Training in Seattle, which has earned many awards, including Best of Western Washington. “Ahimsa” is a Buddhist doctrine of nonviolence to all living things, which reflects Grisha’s focus on force-free methods to promote the well-being of dogs and their humans. De la minutul 4,20 modalitatea de lucru cu un caine agresiv https://youtube/watch?v=dkXvccggf3I pentru cei ce doresc sa-si insuseasca tehnica fenzidogsportsacademy/index.php/people/885 Georgian A. Negrescu mai avem si alte metode de lucru cu un caine agresiv ? vorbim de metode non violente.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:36:07 +0000

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