Growing In The Fathers Love August 16 As we grow we see - TopicsExpress


Growing In The Fathers Love August 16 As we grow we see more value in just the little things we do and say to others, When I was called to go out into a Unique Ministry, I had no idea what God wanted me to do, First he taught me to walk by Faith , Not walking with Lots of money in the bank, tests that faith, truly walking by Faith, I would be running out of money to pay for things, and I would say Lord what way do you want me to go? I am getting short on money and Im going to need some very soon, likewise he always delivered. Once I was about 600 miles from home, I was following the Spirit of God, he told me to go south, so off I went ! South on Interstate 75, Guess you could say he was teaching me to hear his Voice, and to learn to Obey and to trust him and to have Patience , all at the same time, I was in his Presence the whole time feeling the Holy Ghost moving and stirring in me , Its like being hugged by some one you love and the awesome feeling of their presence just being near you, Dont know how to express that any other way. A feeling of peace, comfort, just knowing you are not alone. Then there was the full trust seemed that one he drilled into me, For without trust in his Word what else do you have? Lets see without trust you can have worry, fear, in fact being all alone with no where to turn or no one to call for help, can be pretty terrifying, Likewise for me I think I will stick with the Lord, some call this Faith and it is full trust in the Lord, But I like the Word Trust for to me it implies ,That you believe whatever happens that it is for his purpose , It is the same trust your children have when they are little and count on you for all they have and need. Likewise there is no fear in them for they know they are loved and protected. Likewise the perfect Love of Christ casts out all fear. The thought never inters their minds that they are not secure or will need anything and that all things will be there, as they are needed. God wants us to trust in him in this way , Then his Word truly abides in us and we can ask, and likewise receive. The Word of God tells us not to lean on our own understanding, When things seem like there is no way out, Pray and doubt not and the Lord will deliver you. Just as your children look to you for everything, we need to look to Jesus for everything, When we can do that , the world is truly at our feet. When you are blessed with the infilling of the Holy Ghost, then truly greater is he that is in you. 1 John 4:4 You are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. The Spirit of God beckons you to come and join us in the kingdom of God. Knowing this the name of Jesus is above all things, as you learn to ask like a small child, it is then when all things are yours for the asking. It is a very easy thing to do, Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and not many day from then, you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Let us Pray, Father in heaven teach us your ways of trust in faith that when we ask , we have no doubt we will receive from you, mush of our doubt when we pray comes from not understanding, the great love for us, you have told us to come to you as little children and even the oldest and wisest of us all are still your little children, help us to understand that all who are called by your name baptized into Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost, that we are the Sons and daughters of the Father, likewise we can come boldly to you and ask with out fear you will reject us, for you love for us is even greater than our own love for our children, keep us ever moving closer to you, and then shall the true power of the Holy Ghost flow through us for healing, and the saving of the lost and dieing, for these gifts of the Spirit are for all who will seek your face in Jesus name
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 04:32:45 +0000

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