Growing up in a small town there are opportunities that seem to be - TopicsExpress


Growing up in a small town there are opportunities that seem to be outside of the realm of possibility because you dont seem to be visible to the rest of the world. You enjoy many opportunities that city folks dont but dreams like the one achieved by Don arent often reached. My father began coaching in Thermopolis in the late 70s and my brother and I were fortunate to be able to be there for practices, make bus trips, and be Bobcats from a very young age. Around 1980 Don Bracken became a household name to us. Small town boys see getting out in the world as a successful life, later we realize just how good life was, but we look to the stars and city lights none the less in an attempt to escape the prison walls of Wyomings small towns. That is the world as I saw it, at least through the eyes of a nine year old boy. My dad came home one evening and broke the news, Don had made it. He had received the first ever full ride scholarship that the University of Michigan had ever awarded to a punter. The next decade led to opportunities to train with Don while he was home for the summer and realize just how much success was dependent upon preparation during the months where there are no games, no fans, no glory thats where champions are truly made. I learned that from Don, I learned to work, stretch myself, and strive to be the best that I could be. This starry eyed little guy went on to have a smaller share of that success but I know that the lessons learned during those hot summer days were a large part of it. My Dad and Don continued to enjoy a great connection and friendship right up to the day that Dad died. As a matter of fact, just prior to the funeral Dads purple and Gold Bobcat golf cart disappeared, we found Don driving it through the State Park on his version of a farewell tour. None of us are perfect, Dad wasnt, Don wasnt, and I am certainly not. But we can all have an impact whether we know we did or not I am thankful for the impact that Dons life had on mine. Rest in peace Don. Thanks for the memories.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 22:18:51 +0000

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