Guardians of Rescue, Koreandos. org and myself teamed up for the - TopicsExpress


Guardians of Rescue, Koreandos. org and myself teamed up for the campaign this year. THESE DOGS ARE NOT EATEN DUE TO POVERTY! Would you eat your best friend ? Of course not! In Korea it’s everyday. Dogs are stolen from loving families and brutally beaten to death! A delivery of a dog sold to this restuarant waiting to be cooked . It’s not easy to see and hear about this,but close your eyes and nothing will ever be done! This is just one horrible way people make money in the dog meat trade . No its not poor people trying to have something to eat, chicken Is way cheaper then dog meat in Korea. Although both men and woman eat dog, mostly men make up the large demand. Men believe just eating the (penis) will enhance their virility. They believe by eating a dog they will always stay cool in the summer. This is not about feeding the poor!!! GUARDIANS OF RESCUE IS launching a campaign REAL MEN DONT EAT DOG. We are on the ground in Korea! We hope you all will join us in stopping this evil trade. We will be sharing more info very soon. Are you ready to fight? WE ARE! KOREANDOGS.ORG is a volunteer group and we are not affiliated with any of the above recommended animal rights organizations or any other organizations. However, we support the work of all the brave animal activists in South Korea by helping to raise awareness about this important issue worldwide and to help pressure the South Korean government to take an immediate action to bring this cruel trade to an end.For more details,
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 23:56:39 +0000

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