Guess what? Your allergies are not really seasonal! What? I know - TopicsExpress


Guess what? Your allergies are not really seasonal! What? I know you heard allergies are terrible this year and its worse when you mow the lawn! But its really that leaky guts are terrible and getting worse! Heres why and how you can dump your allergy meds and their side effects. The Leaky Gut Seasonal Allergy Link When you suffer from increased intestinal permeability, undigested food particles, pathogens, toxins, and other harmful substances are able to actually pass through your intestinal lining and directly enter the bloodstream. All of these substances are considered foreign invaders to the body which prompts your immune system to respond and combat the invaders. The big problem with this is that it is occurring continuously day and night without end. Initially, your immune system does its job and fights off the foreign invaders. But after battling for a long time without rest, it quickly becomes overstressed and overactive. It is this over-activity of the immune system that prompts it to erratically react to anything it comes into contact with. This includes all of the pollen, mold, and other allergens that are always in the air. It is because your immune system is too busy defending you from your own leaky gut that it doesn’t have the time or ability to properly deal with these allergens. So you are left with seasonal allergies by reacting to any foreign airborne particles that you come into contact with. All of these common airborne allergens have always existed and will always exist. So the days of blaming these allergens as the problem are over. It has little to nothing to do with them and everything to do with your gut health!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:05:23 +0000

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