Guidance from Mahaswami [translated from Deivathin - TopicsExpress


Guidance from Mahaswami [translated from Deivathin Kural] Religion, which needs no name The religion that we call Hindu religion in fact did not have any name at all. The word Hindu means “compassion.” Some people quip a casuistic [samatkaramaka pesuvathu] remark that Hinduism deprecates violence. Ancient Sastras do not mention Hindu as a religion. Foreigners gave it this name. They had to cross river Sindu to come to our country. They called this river Indu and the country across the river “India” and its religion Hindu. In course of time these names found acceptance in common parlance. If Hindu was not its name then what was its name? There are names Sanadhana Dharmam, Vedic religion etc? Could one of these be its name? No. Old scriptures do not give any name to this religion. This fact upset me. I pondered over this matter for several days. Days passed on and one day people nformed me that Ramu has come. “Which Ramu” I asked. They counteracted “Oho! Are there many Ramus here?” Then I realized that there was only one person here by that name. So I should not have raised that query “which Ramu!” In my village there were four persons by the name Ramu. To identify each we used prefixes like “short” Ramu, “tall”Ramu, “white” Ramu etc. As a force of habit, even when there is only one Ramu here, I asked which Ramu! Now I got the answer why our religion remained nameless. If there is only one religion, why should it have a name at all? There was no need. Now my distress and disappointment vanished. All other religions, except ours have been named after a great person. Before him there was no religion by that name. Buddhist religion is named after Gautama Buddha. Similarly Christianity by Yesu Christu etc. These religions were named after the persons who established them. As a result we come to know that each religion has been established by such greats. It is clear that before them, there was no religion by that name. We can also deduce that our religion was older than these religions. Our religion extensively spread all over the world. Because there was no other religion, it had no name. Now I was delighted. Another question arose in my mind. If this Hinduism were the earliest religion, “who established it?” However hard I tried I failed to find an answer. I wondered whether it could be Vyasar Bhagavan who wrote the Brahma Sutra or Lord Krishna who gave Bhagvat Gita! Again trouble arose in my mind, because they also refer to the Veda mantras that existed before them. So certainly they also did not establish it. Then I wondered whether the sages who gave these Mantras could be the authors! But they deny. When I asked them “How could you deny? When we do upasana (chant) of these mantras we touch our forehead announcing thy name! Sages say, “It is true that these Mantras came to the world through us. That is why we are called Mantra Rishis. But, we did not compose them. During our tapasya these mantras appeared before us in the space. Consequently, we are hailed as Mantra Drastha (visionaries of Mantras) and not Mantra Karta (not composers of Veda Mantras).” All sounds originate in space. Rishis could see images emerging out of these sounds. [There is a theory that Universe emerged from the Big Bang]. This is what Science explains. Universe was created from the vibratory sound in the space. Rishis saw these vibratory sounds as mantras in the space through their extra terrestrial power of Tapasya and visualized the space as incarnation of Almighty and Vedas vibrations of His breath. Vedas are guide to salvation. Sages passed them over to humanity. If we perceive our religion thus, we will not whine that we do not know who established our religion. On the other hand we would rejoice that we are the heirlooms and inheritors to tread the divine path of learning and practicing Veda, the very breath of the Almighty. Evidences that this religion was ubiquitous The religion that we now call Hinduism was omni- present since prehistoric days! There was no need to name it because that was the only religion prevalent in those days. When we look at the treasure-troves of good olden prehistoric days we find traces of our Vedic culture all over the world. In Egypt when earth was dug out an ancient treaty dating back 1300 years before the birth of Jesus Christ entered into between two kings was found out. (Treaty of Ramaeses II with the Hittites). There is relation between names of Lord Rama and the king Ramaeses. The treaty was sworn on the names of Mitra and Varuna. You know they are Devatas found in our Vedas. 75% of names of the cities in Madagascar bear Sanskrit words. Similar evidences are found on the other half of the globe, the western hemisphere. During the period of our Navaratri celebrations, a similar festival is celebrated in Mexico. It is called Rama-Sita festival. Plenty of Idols of Vinayaka [Pillayar] are found wherever earth is dug up in that part of the world. Aboriginals of Mexico before its colonization by the Spanish were called Aztecs, derivative of the Sanskrit word Asthika. On the auspicious day of Vishu Punyakalam [an important festival in South India], in Peru people pray at the temples of Sun God. These people are called Inkas. Inan is a name of Sun God. Lord Rama is praised as Inakula tilaka, meaning pride of Surya dynasty. We all know Rama belongs to Surya Vamsam [dynasty]. We also find Tyagaraja Iyer (one of the trinities of Carnatic Music) hailing Rama by this name in his songs. I saw the pictures of aboriginals of Australia dancing in Nirvana in a book. [Picture No.128 and 129 in the Book “Native Tribes of Central Australia” by Spencer Guillen]. It was written “Sivan Dance” below these pictures. As I looked at these pictures carefully I could find image of a third eye drawn on the dancers’ forehead In Borneo there is a dense virgin forest where no one dared to set foot since time of its creation by Brahma. Recently when some scientists started exploration they came across scriptural findings resembling our Grandha script. These scripts mention the name of a king who did Yagnas and places where he established Yoopa Stambam. He also gave Kalpaka Vriksha danam to Brahmins. These are called “Yupa inscsription of Mulavarman of Koeti.” The very same Englishmen who belittled and laughed at our religion did the research and came out with these facts! [Baron Humboldt quoted in Har Bilas Sarada’s “Hindu superiority.”] I will now tell you an amusing incidence that surpasses all these findings. Sagarars went deep into the Pathalam digging and spading through the earth in search of an Aswamedha Yaga horse to the other side of the hemisphere. [ Note on Aswamedha yaga: The horse to be sacrificed must be a stallion, more than 24, but less than 100 years old. The horse is sprinkled with water, and the Adhvaryu and the sacrificer whisper mantras into its ear. Anyone who should stop the horse is ritually cursed, and a dog is killed symbolic of the punishment for the sinners. The horse is then set loose towards the North-East, to roam around wherever it chooses, for the period of one year (or half a year, according to some commentators). The horse is associated with the Sun, and its yearly course. If the horse wanders into neighbouring provinces hostile to the sacrificer, they must be subjugated. The wandering horse is attended by a hundred young men, sons of princes or high court officials, charged with guarding the horse from all dangers and inconvenience. During the absence of the horse, an uninterrupted series of ceremonies is performed in the sacrificers home.] Taken from wikepadia. The sea that emerged from the excavation assumed the name of Sagara, after the name of Sagarars. Finally the horse was located near the Ashramam of Kapila Rishi. Presuming that Kapila Rishi had grabbed the horse, Sagrars started harassing him physically. The enraged Kapila turned his tormentors into ash by the might of his Thapogbalam. We find this story in our puranam, Ramayanam. If we dig deep through the earth underneath our subcontinent we would emerge out in American continent on the other side of the hemisphere. So, America is our “Pathalam.” This incident took place in “Kapilaranyam.” Just like Madurai is called Marudai by some people, it could be any body’s guess that the city of California in America is a derivative or corrupted name of the name Kapilarayna. It would be fascinating to note that adjoining islands are called Horse Island and Ash Island. These words sagarar and sagaram make me to speculate, whether Sahara desert was once a Sagaram (sea). Similar signs and symbols of Hindu religion are found spread over the world. This would indicate that large scale emigrations and immigration must have taken place, from one continent to the other. These brought about lot of transformations. This is what scientists say. What I feel is that all over the world there existed only one religion and these signs and symbols were left by the aborigines of these places?
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 06:20:44 +0000

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