Guru is a Touchstone Dauji reads from Utkalika Vallari by Rupa - TopicsExpress


Guru is a Touchstone Dauji reads from Utkalika Vallari by Rupa Goswami: “May Srila Rupa Goswami, the king of emotional devotees, who makes even stone-like hearts melt with his ‘Utkalika Vallari’ prayers, and who is the bestower of pure devotion for the lotus feet of Sri Radha Govinda, be merciful to us.” (Invocation prayer) Sadhu Maharaja: Not Govinda alone – Radha Govinda! This is the purity, the pure devotee they never say Krishna, or Govinda. They say ‘Radha Govinda’! Any book you read, you see different mood. Many places you see just Krishna only. But the pure devotee, rasika devotee, will always write Radha Govinda. This is the highest conception (we don’t like Krishna without His internal potency Radha). Pure devotees mention Radha Govinda. Dauji reading: “Oh Lord Sri Krishna! Oh Goddess Sri Radhike! This fallen soul has taken shelter of Vrindavan and cries pitifully for Your audience (darshan). I will now open my severely burning heart and show the marks my burning tears have made there in my heart.” (Verse One) SM: There are tears in two stages. In viraha and in milan (separation and meeting). In separation the tears are burning. Tears become very hot. And in meeting, when you are happy, when you are in ecstasy, also tears are coming. That is ananda (bliss) tears. These tears are cooling. So Rupa Goswami is talking about tears of separation, viraha, so they are burning. Dauji reading the commentary: “According to the Vaisnava scholars this is the last work of Sripadaa Rupa Goswami, in which he sings his swansong. Just as the swan sings his most beautiful and pitiful song just before his death, so this Utkalika Vallari is Rupa Goswami’s final song of pity. His heart carries a turbulent eagerness that can only be cooled off when he receives the darshan of his most beloved deities Sri Yugala Kishora. On the one hand there is eager longing, and on the other there is great humility that makes him very unsteady when it arises, because it makes him perceive his own lack of qualification.” SM: Longing, for what? Not material things. Longing for ‘How can I serve?’ Rupa Goswami worked as the personal secretary of King Hussein Shah, he had a very high position with the king, he was the richest person at that time, he left everything and came to Vrindavan, and he had only one desire – how deep and big was his longing, how to develop the feeling for Radha and Krishna and their meetings and pastimes. So he realized his svarupa, his spiritual identity. We realize our physical form, our senses and mind and body, we work for this. And this is our external realization for the material world. One day we close our eyes because the soul will go out from this body, then all realization, all material things, all money business stays here – we cannot take anything with us. Even if we are a king in a palace, as soon as we die, we must leave everything. Immediately we have to leave, our house, our money, our possessions, our relationships, everything. We have to leave it all. Nothing can we take. Rupa Goswami understood he is not a body; he is a spiritual identity, a soul. He understood ‘My form is also there and my form is a Radha kinkari, a Radha dasi, and I come to serve Radha and Krishna.’ He lived in his body but was in service. If I don’t do this, (then) my life, coming and going, is useless. Rupa Goswami he decided already where he is going after death, because he did the sadhana in this physical body to come out from this body and to live in the reality of soul. (Knowing that we are a spirit soul) is A of ABC. He (Rupa Goswami) brings (this knowledge) up to Z, not just (about the) soul, but the spiritual form. Like when we are in our subtle body, in dreams, we see ourselves and are making all new creations, sometimes crying sometimes happy, in the dreams. This is the subtle body. One is my gross body and one is my spiritual body. This is soul consciousness, (which) we have to develop by the association of a realized soul. That is the goal of spiritual life, and to start living in that, that is the goal. - The Sweetness of Divine Love ys TGd
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 13:03:51 +0000

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