Guy in the drive-thru just tried to order a breakfast burrito. But - TopicsExpress


Guy in the drive-thru just tried to order a breakfast burrito. But get this, he wanted a egg burrito, with grilled tuna and sauteed onions! What!??? When the heck did we become so damn fancy? Who the F is serving breakfast burritos in Riverside County with grilled tuna and sauteed onions!??? We told him we dont have grilled which he asked if we could just throw the stuff we use to make a tuna sandwich (mix of tuna, celery, mayo, and eggs) onto the grill and then put it in the burrito. I said no. Killed his dream i think. But cmon, you give em an inch, they gonna take a mile. Thats kinda gross anyhow, unless you are a bodybuilder who cant get enough protein at 9am... And so then, he did what many customers do---he told me how easy it is to make it. Its easy!!, you just throw the tuna on the grill and then heat it up, then put it in the burrito!!. (then added the challenge/impunity/patronizing plea) seriously cant do that???? No. Well..., we can... but we just dont. I can make spaghetti too, but that dont mean we have it here! I dunno, im a purist...bacon, eggs, hash browns, breakfast, man. Some guys are watching too much Food Network shows and expecting the local burger place to have fricken snap peas and sundried tomatoes. Some of you boys are getting soft... Its a $4 breakfast burrito fer crying out loud!....guzzle it down with salsa and get on with your day!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 16:30:36 +0000

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