Guys! Ive finished chapter nine! Its quite short, but I promise - TopicsExpress


Guys! Ive finished chapter nine! Its quite short, but I promise chapter ten will be longer! Hope you enjoy reading it! :3. ~ChemicalKiller Chapter nine: Katherine woke up a few days later with a huge smile on her face. Today was the day she was going to see My Chemical Romance in concert. She would actually see them. Even more… shed see them, again. She rolled out of bed and grabbed her phone and iPod, sticking on some music to wake herself up. She turned on her phone, checking her messages: still no sign of Gerard. She had called and text him loads, but he just kept ignoring her. At least she had the band, Alex and Joe. She was leaving in fourty minutes - just enough time to get ready. She scurried around her room, throwing on her typical black jeans and band T. Dan called up to her a few minutes later, while she was doing her make-up. Katherine! He called up to her, we need to get going! Katherine groaned. Ive got coffee? He called again. Katherine sped up at the mention of coffee, applying the last bit of mascara. She grabbed her phone again and ran downstairs into the kitchen, grabbing a cup and pouring herself some coffee. She strolled into the living room, earning a sigh from her mum at her usual attire. She sat and watched t.v for the last ten minutes before leaving. Dan was going to, which she thought was seriously amazing - after all, it was him that got her into that type of music. She yelled goodbye to her mum as she rushed out of the front door, grinning from ear to ear as she slipped into Dans car. They never stopped talking about how excited they were for the whole hour drive. It was either talking about how excited they were, or singing to their songs, loudly and most of the time, out of tune. But hey, it was fun. Katherine hadnt told Dan that shed met the band yet, deciding hed freak more than she did. A small silence fell between the two of them. Hey Katherine, Dan said, skipping through songs, wouldnt it be amazing to actually meet the guys? She decided now was the best time to tell him. Dan? She started, I need to tell you something. Hm? He said, turning to face her slightly. Ive actually met them. The car swerved into the hard shoulder and Dan yelled. Katherine, you what!? She didnt know what to say so she sat in silence. Thats amazing! Why didnt you tell me? She shrugged. Dan sighed and shook his head. So what are they like? He asked, starting up the car and turning right to the venue car park. Katherine gushed about how awesome they really are, about how they were exactly like they seemed on camera. Dan grinned the whole time, try to find a parking space. Finally, he found one and they got out. Fangirling, they both walked closer and closer. Dan grabbed Katherines hand and pulled her to the front, barging past a lot of fellow Killjoys, all dressed in their band merch, too. Five minutes passed before anything happened, and all of a sudden they all burst onto stage. A huge scream erupted from the crowd, including Katherine and Dan themselves. Unfortunately, the concert was over pretty quickly. Even though it was a hour or so, it only felt like fifteen minutes. The whole time, Gee would always look at her. The others would occasionally look at her and smile, but Gee looked at her the whole time. He even dedicated a song to her - Summertime. What happened was, the intro started and Katherine grinned, knowing exactly what song it was. Before he began to sing, he reached down and grabbed her hand. She blushed helplessly as every one stared. This girl, Kat, he said into his mic, is amazing. Now, dont get me wrong, youre all beautiful, but this girl, shes something else. Dan looked at her, eyes wide. Id like to dedicate this song to her. With that, he pulled her up on stage. Overwhelmed, Katherine couldnt move, she just stood awkwardly in the corner of the stage, bright lights occasionally blinding her. After the concert, she watched as fangirls swarmed the band for autographs and pictures. She laughed quietly as she saw them all pose for photos, never failing to make the other laugh. When every one had left, it was just her and Dan. Instead of her rushing over to them, which is what shed expected, they all ran over to her, gripping her in a giant hug. Everyone spoke at once; Katherine, congratulating them all, Dan, just completely fangirling, everyone talking to Dan, well, all except Gee. Gee was making out with Kat. Kat? Every one said at once. Katherine lept back and looked at everyone in turn. Kat, is there something you want to tell me? Dan said. Ray was blushing, Mikey had a hand over his mouth, Frank was grinning like an idiot, and Bob was over in the corner helping out with the tech crew. Katherine looked at Dan and slipped her hand in Gees, linking their fingers together. Dan, she said, blocking out everything else, Im dating Gerard Way. * * * On the drive home, after Katherine had said goodnight to the guys after a day of hanging out with them again, this time with Dan instead of Alex, Dan wouldnt shut up about how she was dating his hero. She sat there and listened to all of his ranting, also trying to figure out what she was going to do about Gerard - not the one shes now dating. She figured she wouldnt have to do anything, after all, he wasnt speaking to her at all anymore. He grinned at her as her phone buzzed in her hands. Oh My God, is that Gee? Dan said, twisting to look at her slightly. It… is! Katherine squeaked. Dan bit his lip as she opened the text message. It was short, but to the point. Hey Kat, its Frank! I stole Gees phone ;) So… is it true? Are you dating my Geetard? xx She laughed at Franks nickname for Gee, reading the text out loud for Dan to hear. He laughed, too, as she typed back quickly. Hey Frank, yes, its true, were officially a couple xx It was a long while before her phone buzzed again, and Katherine grew more and more nervous with every second. The car grew silent, except for the My Chemical Romance album Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge that Dan had been blasting ever since they got in the car. He decided to break the tension by singing along quietly - like Katherine, Dan hated awkward silence. Finally, her phone buzzed once more. Kat? Is this true? Please tell me it is, Id be so, so happy! Katherine was about to text back as another text came to her phone. Oh, and this is Gee, I got my phone back ;) xx Katherine giggled quietly, trying to not bring any attention from Dan to her. Her thumbs hovered over the small key pad, unsure of his to phrase what she wanted to say. She put her phone down in her lap, sighed, and stared out if the car window. She sat and listened to Dan and Gee singing, getting lost in how well they sounded together. She picked up her phone again and pressed the keys to spell out words that sounded right. Re-reading her text, Katherine deleted all the text. No way, it was too mushy. Ugh. Sighing slightly, she started to type again. Thatll do, she thought, skimming her new text. And… send. Yes, Geetard, were together
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 17:51:54 +0000

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