Guys, without laser focus, you will not succeed in this business. - TopicsExpress


Guys, without laser focus, you will not succeed in this business. Whatever you focus on the longest will become the strongest. You’ve got to have stamina and make NO your vitamin, not your reason to quit. You need to get a dream so big that today looks tiny. When you get the dream, it will be bigger than your present paycheck. It will require an absolute miracle and that will take laser focus and a lot of time and effort. As the good book states, “A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” You gotta be committed folks! Because a committed heart is a decided heart. Commitment attracts people and it will give you favorable opportunities that may not be there if you aren’t a committed person. You have to be clear about what you want and laser in on it. Focus it just as you would if you tried to start a fire using the sun and a magnifying glass. You must keep the magnifying glass steady, harness the power of the sun, and boom, you will start a fire. But if you move it back and forth (like some do with deciding if they should do this business or some other business) you will not make progress. Stop looking at all the shiny nickels out there, meaning other businesses that look easier and focus on the asset right in front of you called wakeupnow. Guys, there is a reason we were ranked #1 in August as the fastest growing company in network marketing and the #1 searched company online for our industry. There is no reason to deviate and constantly decide each day if this is the place to be. Forget a possible plan B and focus on plan A, which is wakeupnow. You know why? Because plan B will be calling your name when you have a hard week in this business and have a few team-members quit! You will get much further with plan A than if you have a constant back-door to plan B. As the saying goes, “If you try and chase two rabbits, you won’t catch either and will be left with nothing.” You must give TOTAL attention to ONE thing a time. Your creativity may be a gift but dont let it become your enemy. Its better to complete one worthwhile goal than to begin ten others. This business deserves your undivided attention. You must go all out starting with a 90 day sprint! Wherever your focus is, is where you’re going to go. Don’t focus on where you don’t want to be and where you are right now. Focus on where you want to end up. You have to KNOW with absolute faith you are going to get there but you have to put in a four letter word called WORK to prove that faith. Put that energy and focus where it needs to go. Again, you have to have a clear and compelling reason, a why so that it pulls you to where you need to go instead of having to push yourself through will-power, which by the way lasts a few days. #2 – Consistency The power of rhythm because this is more important than talent and intelligence. This business will reward you for what you do consistently, not for what you do for a few days. This is not a 30 day business. This is not a lottery ticket. This is a 2-5 year plan that I promise if you will put in the work and align yourself with a mentor who can help you succeed, you can win at this business. If you bring your wife flowers one time, I promise you won’t have that spouse very long. If you work-out one time, I can promise you that you won’t be in better health. Then why is that people treat this business that way? They attend one event, talk to one person, watch one video, and quit. Just as with any relationship, it takes effort and consistency over a period of time to work long-term. If you want to have long-term results, then you have to do the short-term things on a consistent basis in order to get long-term residual checks. Here is what I have learned; I have learned that “Steady devotion is ALWAYS better than periodic exhaustion.” If we will steadily make and KEEP commitments, we will see much more success within your business. If you aren’t consistent with your business, you won’t have a business. Remember, your team-members are watching you. They want to see if you will do what you say you are going to do. Pursuit, consistent pursuit, is the proof of your desire. Let’s go out and give them the proof. Be laser focused, put your blinders on, and be consistent and see what starts to happen in your business. Guys, I care about you and want to say thank you for all you do to change the lives of countless thousands.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 18:23:52 +0000

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