Gyraspur - On Maladevi Temple, several balconies (jarokas) have - TopicsExpress


Gyraspur - On Maladevi Temple, several balconies (jarokas) have received with turned Steinsäulchen. Below are respectively niches of decorative panels (udgamas) are too high, which in turn overlap the underlying components and their decor. history Written records of the history of the place are not available. In medieval times, the place must have, however, played a significant role, because it is the ruins of several temples have received which were probably destroyed by Islamic conquest and raids. Only the Away from the town and well defensible Maladevi Temple is still relatively well preserved. Maladevi Temple location The existing of multiple butted components Maladevi Temple (875) is about 1.5 km from the center on a terrace artificial and partially carved out of the rock. He is an example of the late Pratihara style. ordination The attribution of Maladevi Temple is unclear: Inside a number of smaller and larger Jain statues are seen, but - in the opinion of RK Trivedis - not quite suitable for the construction and could therefore have been brought here at a later time. On the other hand, speaks somewhat offbeat location of the temple quite a Jain worship, which is also accepted as a measure of K. Deva, where guests will be in - almost missing - figural decoration of the exterior wall is no evidence for this hypothesis. Gyraspur - On Maladevi Temple, several balconies (jarokas) have received with turned Steinsäulchen. Below are respectively niches of decorative panels (udgamas) are too high, which in turn overlap the underlying components and their decor. Architecture [Edit] The location of the temple facing east on a ledge above a gorge is quite unusual. The architect of the Indian middle-aged have still managed to work out a terrace off the cliff and build a comparatively large temple of about 31.20 meters (length) x 16.50 meters (width). Part of the terrace and the Sanktumsbereichs are worked out of the rear wall of rock. In contrast to the early Pratihara temples (. Eg Amrol) consists of relatively recent construction (about 875) consists of several components: portico (mukhamandapa) porch (mandapa), vestibule (Antarala) and Cella (garbhagriha) with a handling (pradakshinapatha). Porch (mandapa) and handling area are within approximately square and the same size (about 10 x 10 meters); they are - after the early model of Kalika Mata Temple in the fort of Chittorgarh - by balconies (jarokas) open to the outside. The roof of the portico is supported by six massive pillars and even inside the inside and outside richly structured Cella (garbhagriha) are - until then absolutely unusual - three slender pillars. The cella with a large protruding piece of rock, which replaced the fourth pillar, makes an unfinished impression. The multi-articulated Shikhara Tower over the Cella (garbhagriha) concludes with a round and ribbed amalaka-stone on which is still in the North Indian Nagara style always on aufruhende Kalasha vase, an ancient fertility and good luck symbol, is located. architectural decoration The temple is broken up by several balconies - arranged in groups of three in North India frequently encountered (see Khajuraho.) - Stilted Steinsäulchen; the wall on handling is broken by several Jali-windows with checkerboard patterns. The Bauzier the outer walls mainly consists of large-scale decorative panels (udgamas) above the empty niches and on Shikhara tower; this - typical of the Pratihara time - Decor fields are composed of stacked small window niches (chandrasalas) and return - in a reduced form - at various points inside again. The pillars of the porch are richly decorated (jars, vases, bells, etc.); the Portalgewände is stepped back several times and shows - in addition to the mandatory Ganga- and Yamuna figures and the ever-recurring fields with Heavenly lovers (mithunas) - rich vegetabilisches tendrils, in which - in India very rarely - even small human and animal figures incorporated are. Gyraspur (Hindola-Torana and Chaukambha). . Reconstructed - - Ruins receive, but to give an impression of the formerly rich decoration of the buildings of many temples of the 10th and 11th centuries are just yet. Other temple ruins [Edit] Bhajra-Matha Temple (10th century) The temple consists today of only three adjacent shrines, which are located on a single platform - one in India rather unusual constellation. The shrines were probably originally - as deriving from preserved inscriptions - the Hindu trinity of Brahma (or Surya), Shiva and Vishnu consecrated; the resulting sculptures in the exterior (Narasimha, Varaha, etc.) indicate a Hindu temple. Later, after its destruction, the shrines were reconstructed by the Jains and occupied for the cult of their tirthankaras. Athakambha (10th century) Eight - standing on a platform - stepped back at the corners and ornate pillars with a beautiful bow torana have been preserved from the former temple and were re-erected. Hindola-Torana (10th / 11th century) Links of the way to Maladevi Temple is a richly decorated detached gatehouse with two smaller decorative arches on top, the formerly well before a - was placed temple - destroyed long ago. The gatehouse was rebuilt in the 20th century.. Chaukambha (10th century) The four pillars richly decorated with sweeping Löwenkapitellen and obtained architraves suggest a porch (mandapa) to a ruined temple out. This building was also raised again. Bhairava Shiva (900) importance The Maladevi Temple is a late example of the central Indian Pratihara style dating from the late 9th century. The largely destroyed buildings from the 10th and 11th centuries lay with its exceptional decor joy, of which but little has received testimony to the outstanding quality craftsmanship and artistic expression of their builders. Throughout India famous Gyraspur is also because of the torso of a tree nymph (Salabhanjika) or a celestial dancer (apsara), which is now kept in the Gujari Mahal Museum in Gwalior (photo → weblink). environment About a mile outside of Gyraspur is located approximately four meters high Dhaikinath Stupa with a diameter of about 18.50 meters. Remains of the fence enclosure (Vedika) and a seated Buddha portrait in gesture (mudra) of the earth contact (bhumisparsha) have been preserved
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 08:38:32 +0000

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