HALLELUJAH !!! PAKISTAN BIBLE ,AUDIO BIBLE AND AUDIO URDU WORSHIP SONGS UPDATE !! Friends these pictures will touch your heart in a very special way and I really encourage you to look at each one ! We with your prayers and support are reaching out to Christians who live in deep poverty. Christians of all ages young and old ! We are with compassion ministering to the elderly and afflicted , some who are blind ,feeble ,weak, sick and maimed and widowed and alone. NOW THEY CAN HEAR THE WORD OF GOD WITH THEIR AUDIO BIBLES AND NOW WITH OUR NEW AUDIO URDU WORSHIP SONGS THIS IS VERY EXCITING TO THEM AND US. With Ejazs help we have created this device with over 200 Urdu worship and praise songs as a way to encourage , edify and fill their little homes and big hearts with songs that glorify their Lord. PRAISE JESUS !!!! Psalm 86:15 But thou ,O Lord , are a God full of compassion ,and gracious , longsuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth. We also need to express the character of God and be full of compassion and gracious and merciful to the poor and needy and those who need our help. Proverbs 19:17 tells us that he that is gracious to the poor lends to the Lord and that the Lord will repay him for good works. Proverbs 29:7 tells us that the righteous are concerned for the needs of the poor.As true followers of Christ we must share that concern and be vessels of compassion. Jesus said in Matthew 25 to the true sheep that When He was hungry you fed Me ,when I was thirsty you gave Me drink ,when I was a stranger you took Me in , when I was sick you visited Me ,when I was in prison you came to Me. In Matthew 25:40 Jesus says this ,As ye have done it unto the least of these My brethren ,ye have done it unto Me. So how we treat others is how we treat the Lord. WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE BODY OF CHRIST WHO MINISTER TO THOSE IN NEED. The bible says God loves a cheerful giver and that starts when we give our whole life to Him and that it is more of a blessing to give than it is to receive.May God use all of us for His glory. These pastors ,these believers are overjoyed and thankful for the help they are getting. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP THE BIBLE AND GOSPEL TRACT PROJECT? You can send a donation using Paypal at aflame4God@gmail or you can send a money order or check . SEND CHECK OR MONEY GRAM TO : David Cooke 8311 Forge Road Richmond,Virginia 23228 U.S.A. No pressure at all to give ,just asking you to look at this picture and consider helping.No donation is too small if it can buy a bible for a Christian who needs one and wants one.Above all pray for these dear believers. Brother David Cooke (Share this post as the Lord leads you)
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 15:04:06 +0000

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