HAPPY HALLOWEEN Chattanooga..BellSouth and AT&T Pioneer Retirees..Wow, almost 100 telephone people at our last luncheon. Now thats a lot of memories to be in one place at one time, not to mention all of the laughter and faces that brought back all of those memories. So much food and dessert it was just a wonderful time. A lot of hugging went on, see what you are missing. A hug is like a handshake only closer to the heart. We all have one thing in common, we are Telephone Retirees. We worked together and shared each others good times and bad times together. Now we meet to share those memories with each other. Nobody has ever measured how much the heart can hold. We are all Telephone family and proud of it. If you are not attending these luncheons, it is your loss. They are a blessing for us in Chattanooga. Other Telephone retirees would trade with you in a second, they have told me so. The next time you are debating whether to attend or stay home and eat that jelly and peanut butter sandwich remember this...The friends we meet on the path of life make the trip worth while. What a great October, the weather has been perfect. I could enjoy these temperatures all year. Dont anyone ever tell me we are not blessed from above. Leaves will be turning all colors before long and only one artist can paint a picture like the one that will be unfolding before our eyes. We had two wonderful speakers at the last meeting. John Neblett and Jeff Harris they both know a lot about this AT&T-Aon insurance mess and they shared some good information with us. Many questions were asked and helpful answers were given. Hope it helped some with their problems. I know everyone is having convulsions over the AT&T insurance change that is taking place. Everyones insurance is being eliminated, thanks to AT&T the company we built. Many years ago Alexander Graham Bell lit the telephone fuse and over the many years telephone employees have kept that fuse lit, it did not go out. AT&T did not just appear out of nowhere, it took many years and a lot of faithful hard working men and women to build that company. In appreciation for our dedication and many years of hard work, they are going to show us their gratitude and appreciation by letting us pay for our own insurance. We all should thank this great company that we built for their generosity and dedication to its retirees, in fact, I will give my thanks now... Thank You AT&T. Was happy to see Burr Beavers at our luncheon last month, he looked good. Sonny Ewton is at Siskin Health Center now and is still paralyzed from the shoulders down. He thanks everyone for their prayers, and ask us to keep praying for him. Stopped by to see Marty Baxter and she is fine and looks good (as usual), has some trouble moving around, says she is slow but sure. Just learned that M.W Manley fell and broke his shoulder and hip, he is at Siskin Health Center and in much pain. Please lets say a special prayer for our dear friends, ask the Lord to touch them, that they may join us again soon. Remember, when you think of the problems you have, think of the problems you dont have. Halloween is just around the corner. At our next luncheon October 23rd, I have been told that some witches and goblins have been invited as our guest. So come dressed as your favorite spook if you want to, that would be fun. Just talked to Bill Hammer and he informed me that a $10 prize and two tickets to a haunted house will be given to the best dressed spooks. My wife told me she might wear the same old dress she always does and win the $10 prize for sure. (I know a new dress hint when I hear one). So if you are brave enough come join us for some fun and a good time plus the best food anywhere. We have some wonderful cooks and a big Thanks to them for the delicious food they bring and prepare for us. Lets not forget the ladies breakfast at Shoneys at Hamilton Place they are having great attendance. Must be something going on beside the good food, I was told it was the gossip, not the food. Might go myself next time to see who its about. Remember, breakfast time each month is at 9:00am. (Call 886-3034 or 344-8282 for next date). The test of something enjoyed is the memory it leaves behind so come join the ladies at Shoneys. Lets Remember Our Sick and Those Who Have Lost Loved Ones. Remember Them in Your Prayers Each Day, Ask For Their Healing And To Comfort Their Saddened Hearts. They are part of our Telephone family and we love them all. Remember, October 23rd, Is Our Next Dinner...Its Goblin and Spook Day! Come Dressed Spooky, Win The $10 Prize Or Free Tickets.. Bring a Visitor They Are Always Welcome Everyone Is Invited Whether Supervision Or Otherwise For directions to find our location call 423-344-8282 or 423-886-3034.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 17:40:10 +0000

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