HAPPY HUMANITARIAN DAY TO ALL OF YOU OUR THERE! As the Executive Director of this Foundation; I was touched to be forwarded an email response from Brad Weier, a friend and a part-time volunteer with us which read and I quote; I think I might have a cool new way to show the animation. I had a thought right before i went to bed last night. The style could look like construction paper people and latrines being built by animated hands throughout the spot. It would bring it down to the simple perspective of a child in art class. I will have to design the style but I think it could be a powerful image What amazed me was that, he spent his night after a long day work, thinking about RAF, knowing that, his efforts could attract funding for our rural projects! This is extremely awesome and its been a while since I heard such brilliant words. RAF is still going through its face change. People like Jen Tram;- the lady behind the powerful and meaningful editing of our entire website. She corrected all grammar errors and phrased it to suit its purpose. A great and selfless volunteer. Sabrina Song, all the way in NY is also working hard each day with blogs. YES! She is blogging all day round to put our articles, projects, programs and info out there. GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU. HAPPY HUMANITARIAN DAY TO EVERY VOLUNTEER, DONOR, PARTNER AND FRIEND who have been a part of our success story. To Northfield Community Church Bootle Merseyside, I say, WELL-DONE and WELCOME TO GHANA ALWAYS! To GREENSBORO UNIVERSITY, I say; hey guys? u are simply awesome! To HydroMissions in SC, I say; MUCH LOVE... The names are endless. God bless you all and stay in touch to support our work here. Brad, we just can not wait any longer for that work. We know that your work is expensive and having you do all these for free; WE ARE LUCKY MAN! This gentleman is also the person behind; https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Kgu4LrAdahs
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:53:25 +0000

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